Part 7

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I was walking around town making my way to Luke's when I see Jess smirking and Doose's and people crowding round the shop. When I get to Jess I see a fire engine and police car, "you did it then?" You see yesterday at work I made a bet he wouldn't the guts to do a prank that could involve the police. He nods, "yep." I laugh, "what did you even do?" He shrugs, "chalk outline of a dead body and police tape. So how much was it?" He holds out his hand and I hand him 10 dollars, "whatever." We just lean against the tree and watch the scene unfold. Just then my sister turns around and looks at us. We just smile at her and leave to Luke's.

I was working at Luke's the next day and I hear mom and Rory so when I poke my out I see Mia. I squeal, "Mia!" She get's up and hugs me, "it's good to see too Tori. I see you haven't changed, as skinny and beautiful as ever." I shrug, "I don't know how I eat enough to feed an army." She laughs, "I'm sure you do. Come on take a seat." I shake my head, "I would love to but I should get back to work. I'll see you later though, right?" She nods, "of course darling."

I get back to work and then after I hear Taylor yelling I look around the diner and see Jess is still not down here. I poke Luke, "sorry to interrupt this most likely important discussion, but shouldn't Jess be down here helping?" Luke sighs, "he came down and then back up, but it's fine it not that busy--" I cut him off not caring, "I'll drag him down here for you boss." He goes to stop me but I run up to the apartment before he can. However I swear I heard Mia ask, "are they dating?" And faintly my mom answering, "not that I know of." I shake it off and carry on up to the apartment.

I knock and then walk in to see Jess laying on the bed once again reading. I laugh, "do you do anything but read?" He sits up, "nope." I sit on the bed next to him and ask, "so what is it this time?" He puts the book down, "The Fountainhead. Oh, I got you something once I saw it was added to the reading list." He hands me a book like the others he had given me, "you need to stop buying me these. Just tell where you get them and I can pay." He smirks, "but where's the fun in that?" I sigh, "I'll get it out of you. Now to work we both go." As he goes to protest I hold his hand and drag him down.

It's the next day and the night of the town meeting. (Outfits above.) Apparently we are two minutes early but when me, Rory, mom, Mia, and Luke enter the meeting is already in session. As we walk in everyone goes silent and turns to us. Luke the demands, "what's going on here? The meeting was supposed to start at 8:00." Taylor tries to think of something to say as Patty says, "you might as well be honest." My mom asks, "be honest about what?" Taylor then explains, "well if you must know, there was special issue the business community had to deal with first, so we decided to start early."

Luke the points out, "I'm the in business community, and I wasn't told." Everyone then starts mutter amongst themselves and Taylor says, "Alright, fine! You weren't invited!" Luke asks, "and why is that?" Mia then whispers, "controversy!" I nod, "yeah but I have feeling, it's not the good kind." Taylor then says, "you weren't invited because we are dealing with the Jess situation." I scoff, "the what now?!" Luke asks as angry as me, "the Jess situation?" He turns around to calm down and mom directed me to a seat, "leave this to Luke hun." I nod slowly as I glare at Taylor.

Taylor tried to excuse this by saying he lost business but when Luke tried to pay the money that was lost he was told it wasn't the point. Taylor then starts to name all the so called 'crimes' Jess committed, "he stole the 'save the bridge' money..." Luke argues back, "he gave that back." "He stole a gnome form Babette's garden..." "Pierpon was also returned." Miss Patty then joins in, "he hooted at my dance classes." Then came Fran, "he took a garden hose from my yard." Andrew then says, "my son said he set off the fire alarms at school last week."

By this point I was standing, "I did that too! You are just targeting Jess because he doesn't fit into your pretty little picture. Newsflash! That's life, not everyone is going to act how you want them to!" Mom takes my hand and pulls me back and I sit back down and Luke sends me a nod. Then Bootsy stands up and that turns into a whole thing about him and Luke not liking each other and the first grade. Then Taylor interrupts, "the bottom line here is, there is a consensus among townspeople who are in agreement that Stars Hollow was a better place before Jess got here."

I stand up, "I don't agree." Mom tries to pull me down but I shake her off, "hun..." I walk into the middle of the room, "no because do you know what my life was before Jess got here? I failed English no matter how hard I tried and was called dumb because of it. No one cared what I wanted to do with my life, I sat alone every lunch and had no one to talk to at school. I mean none of you cared. Now Jess is here he's helping me pass English, he's telling me I'm worth it and that I can do anything. I have someone to sit with and talk with. I have someone who listens and get's me. So what he doesn't fit into this towns mold, I don't either! Jess is moving from a busy city where no one cared what he did, to a place that from the outside looks like a social experiment gone wrong. Where everyone is just watching him, waiting for him to mess up, so he figures why not give them a show. Well to hell with all of you! I'm done!" I grab my coat and storm out and I can still hear Luke shouting.

The next day I see Rory, Dean, and Jess talking before Jess turns my way and walks to me, "I heard what you said Princess and did for me, thanks." I nod, "no problem, this town is just doing me head in I just want to run. You know?" He nods, "yeah. You wanna go to the lake?" I nod, "sure, I need a break." We get to the lake and he pulls out his book the Fountainhead, "do you want me to read it to you Princess?" I nod, "yes Please Kelly." He sits with his legs dangling over the lake and I lay on him lap as he reads his book to me and I just smile up at him. I feel the fuzzy feeling me chest, do I like him? What! no! We're just friends he could never see me like that.

The next morning I go to Luke's and see the toasters working and look to Jess who just winks at me and then asks, "school?" I nod and look at mom and Rory, "see you tonight." They nod and I see Rory looking at Jess as we leave. Does she like him? No, I mean she's with Dean, that would be crazy.

A/N: Do you think Rory likes Jess? What did you think of Tori's outburst at the town meeting? Tell me what you think in the comments because I love seeing your liking this story so far.

Xoxo Maddie.

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