Part 5

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My mom had told me that at her first booster meeting she had volunteered to organise the charity fashion show and had to be one of the modals. I had asked to help seeing as I love helping at events at the inn. So far the runway was tilted and the flower arrangements still had to be done. "honey, can you do the flowers, then get changed. Can you imagen the look on your Grandma's face to see you at a Chilton event in jeans." I laugh, "oh I can, and it's making me consider it." Mom nods, "you really do take after me. Now get to it."

I start to do the flowers and when most of the tables are done Luke walks in with his toolbox AKA Bert. Then as he fixes what the handyman did to the runway mom is dragged off by a Chilton mom. I ask Luke, "did you leave the diner with only Jess there?" He sighs, "well seeing as both me and you are here, maybe. He has to take all the orders Caesars cooking." I wince, "those poor customers." I finish with the flowers and I see the tables still aren't up or ready.

I huff and look to the staff, "can none of you put up a table. You know what you two stay and help me then you three go make sure Sookie doesn't hurt herself anymore then normal." They nod and we start to put up the tables and one of them leaves to get the chairs. I unfold the table cloths and put them on the table with the help of the other worker. I turn to them and say, "can you do the rest I need to tell Michel how not to make guests cry." They nod and I hand them the seating chart and the diagram of the table set up.

After giving Michel a lecture I go and get changed into something less casual. (Outfit above.) When I came back I see my grandma making her way to the dressing room and my mom following her close behind. I walk up to Luke and see he finished the runway, "so you staying for the show." He nods, "yeah, so I can make sure this thing stays up." I smirk, "sure, I mean it must have nothing to do with my mom, right?" He sighs, "when will you give that up." I shrug, "when you're married and/or living together." He just shakes his head and I go to fix the problems with the tables.

Soon everyone was seated and the fashion show began. My jaw almost dropped to the floor when Grandma and mom walked out in red suits. Me and Luke just stood there trying not to laugh and after awhile mom actually looked like she was having fun with Grandma. We all clapped and the show ended.

After I was helping clean up and people from the booster club were praising her and then my mom said, "well my daughter over there helped manage the staff and set it all up." One of the ladies turned around and asked, "do you go to Chilton dear?" I shake my head, "no Ms, I go to Stars Hollow high, I just really like planning and helping out at events." She nods, "well might I just call you some time if you have your mother's taste." I nod, "I would like that." Mom and Grandma look at me proudly and it makes me feel warm inside seeing that look finally pointed in my direction. I then continue to pack up and then make my to the Diner to do my evening shift.

When I get there Jess gives me a weird look, "what's with the fancy getup." I shrug and put on my apron, "I was helping organise the Chilton Booster fundraiser today." I tie my hair up and make way into the kitchen and start on the few orders I could see. Jess then laughs, "no way. You don't even go there though." I sigh, "I like planning events, it's fun." He shrugs, "whatever you say. Here's the order for Miss Patty." I nod and put it on the pile.

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