Part 6

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(Outfit above.) I was in class bored out my mind when the teacher finally walks in, "class! Today is our annual careers day. So we will be heading for the hall and going around talking to the local businesses of Star Hollow and by the end of the day you should have some idea on what to do." I sigh and get up with the rest of my excited class. Jess nudges me, "not happy about this? I mean it's a day without class." I shrug, "everyone knows what they want to do, even here at this school most people have a plan." He nods, "I have no clue either but we're still young so who cares."

We get to the hall and then one of the teachers walk over to me and Jess, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but Mr Mariano is your uncle coming today." Jess just says a simple, "nope." The teacher sighs and then asks me, "and your mom?" I sigh, "I don't think so, something about the inn being busy and keeping Michel from making customers cry." The teacher sighs before he walks off.

We start to walk around and I sigh and Jess asks, "so what have you learnt so far, Gilmore." I sigh, "well Jack Kelly I have learnt that one, you need to find me a better nickname or I will start to call you Jessica." He glares at me, "you wouldn't." I nod with a smirk, "I so would. Oh, and that with my grades I can become a worker for Doose's or stay and works at Luke's forever. I don't want to do any of this, and as much as I love this town I just want to leave." He nods, "I feel that, I mean I hate the town but I do want to leave. So do you wanna go to collage like your sister?"

I laugh, "your kidding, right? Why would I want to stay in a system that makes me fill stupid for any longer then I have to." He shakes his head and takes hold of my shoulders so I have to look at him, "you are far from stupid, okay? Tori do you understand." I look down but he lifts my chin and I say barely above a whisper, "yeah." He nods and takes a step back before saying, "so any ideas on the job front?" I nod, "I was actually thinking about how much I love planning and helping at the events and at the Inn. I could start my own business as an event planner." He nods, "sounds good. I could see you doing it, you are very bossy." I scoff and shove him, "take that back right now!" he laughs and mocks a bow, "of course Princess." I cross my arms and pout, "I hate you." He shakes his head, "Oh, you love me. Now put that pout away, we have the rest of the day off." I nod and we start to walk out of the school. Then I frown, "wait since when?" He stops at the fire alarm and pulls it, "since now." He grabs my hand and he runs me laughing behind.

When we get out of school I was shaking my head with a smile, "You are unbelievable." He shrugs and before he can say anything I hear a wolf whistle from behind me and I see Jess's face darken. I turn to where he's looking to see the captain of the football team Jayden and he walks up to us and says, "so quiet dumb girl goes bad. It suits you I never realised you were such a hottie." Seeing that I was uncomfortable Jess says, "back off man. Before you get hurt." Just then I see Lane and she joins me as Jess moves in front of me. Most of the school apart from the teachers were out by now because of the fire alarm.

Lane asks me, "what's going on." Lane never talks to me much at school unless we are next to each other in class, but ignore her and grab Jess's shoulder, "Jess, please, the teacher's could be out any minute. I don't want you in any more trouble." Jess's shoulders relax and Jayden laughs, "yeah, listen to your little slut. Walk away." Jess then get's out of my grip and punches him square in the face and it knocks him down to the ground. Then I hear Mr Rudkin's voice, "there was no fire, everyone back in. Now you Mr Mariano, I think the principle would love you in his office." Jess scoffs and start's walking into town with Mr Rudkin yelling after him and I follow after him and Mr Rudkin starts to call for me too.

We go to the lake and I sit next to him on the bridge, "good memories here." He just nods and I ask, "why did you punch him? I was fine." Jess shakes his head, "he had no right. The things he said just got under my skin." I lean my head on his shoulder and say, "thank you. No one's ever stuck up for my like that before." He sighs, "and that's the truly sad thing about you Princess. You could rule this place but are so blind you can't see how great you are." I smile, "thanks Kelly." I sit up and kiss his cheek and we sit in silence as we look out into the lake.

When I got home I was met with a stern looking mom, "sit your arse down missy." I frown but sit on the couch, "mom? You good?" She scoffs, "no I am not good. You skipped school and the school suspects you have something to do with the fire alarm going off. Then Lane tells me Jess punched a guy for you and you skipped because you were running after Jess. This is not like you kid." I shrug, "maybe it is and you just never took the time to notice." She shakes her head, "that is not fair kid and you know it."

I stand up and scoff, "what do you even know about me? Come on mom you know what Rory wants after school. What do I want?" Mom stands up with me, "you never told me." I shake my head, "you never asked. I want to leave Stars Hollow and go to a city. I want to start an event planning business. I don't want to go to collage." Mom says, "what has this got to do with anything." I turn around and stomp up stairs to my room and before slamming the door I yell, "everything!"

A couple of minutes later I hear a knock on my door and then my mom's voice, "hun? I'm sorry if you feel like I don't know you. You just don't open up to me like your sister." I sit up in my bed and say, "because compared to her my wants are so small." My mom sits next to me and takes my hand, "I will always be proud of you no matter what." I nod, "well, I'm passing English lately. I've been getting C's." Mom's face brightens up, "that's wonderful!" She hugs me and then says, "I am so proud of you." I smile, "thanks mom. I think I'm going to get some rest, I have work early tomorrow." She nods and kisses my head, "love you hun." "Love you mom."

A/N: what did you think of Jess defending Tori like that and Tori's idea of being an event planner. Tell me what you what to see in the comments below and what you look forward to seeing.

Xoxo Maddie.

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