Part 19

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I wake up to the phone ringing and Liz calling, "for you Tori!" I hear Jess groan and say, "Kelly, move your arm please I need to get up." He shakes his head and muffles something in his sleep. I shake my head with a smile and lift his arm and walk into the kitchen, "thanks Liz." She nods, "no problem, you really seem to treat him right, he needs good in his life. Stay as long as you want." I nod and she leaves to watch TV as I take the phone, "hello?" "Hey hun, jut calling to remind you, my graduation is coming up from business school." My eyes widen, "that's coming up, when?"

"Next Thursday, I mean it's totally cheesy I might not even go." I scoff, "Like me and Rory are letting you get out of that. Are Grandma and Grandpa coming?" She sighs, "Rory thinks I should tell them but I don't know." I see a cute sleepy and grumpy Jess in the doorway and send him a smile, "look mom I love our calls but, it's been ages since I last came and saw you. Grandpa's party was weeks ago, I'll come." "You don't have to, what if they do come." "Then I will ignore them. I'm very good at it. Now I need coffee talk soon my little graduate." 

"What was that about?" I turn with a smile, "my mom's graduating. Look I know we had a disagreement at that party, but these past few phone calls have been really good. It's next Thursday and I think I'm gonna go." He nods, "if that's what you want, hey can I have their house number?" I frown, "why?" "So I can call Rory, to see if she hates me and if Luke's good. I don't want the town to hate him for all of this." I walk up to him and give him a kiss, "You old softy. I'll write it down for you. Now come on we have school."

(Outfit above.) I had said bye to Jess before hand and he had left for the park to read. As I was waiting I see my sister get off the bus, "Rory! What are you doing here?" She sees me and gives me a small smile, "Jess called. I came to check up on things, the towns boring without you two." I frown, "what about mom's graduation?" She smiles, "I'll be back in time I promise, I need to get her a gift too so maybe Jess can help." I sigh, "just be back in time, and tell Jess to show you this cool record place. I've got to go bye sissy." She nods and I get on the bus.

When I get to the college I see some of the graduates picking out their caps and gowns and my mom standing around, "mom!" She turns around with a smile, "you made it!" I give her a hug, "Of course, you look amazing." She then lowers her voice, "grandma is out there with a whole film set up, please fix it." I sigh, "do I have to?" She gives me a look and I sigh, "fine, I'll try." I walk into the hall and up to grandma, "hey." She turns around with wide eyes, "I didn't know you would be here Tori." I scoff, "it is my mom's graduation." She looks around, "is that boy here with you?" I sigh, "no Jess stayed at home. Is this camera set up really necessary." She nods, "of course it is. Did your mother send you?"

"Look I know you're mad at me right now but, I want to make up. I love Jess and you really can't make a proper judgement because you haven't met him yourself. Can't you trust my judgement, for once please." She thinks for a moment before saying, "fine, but please as soon as you are in town next I want a visit." I nod with a smile, "deal. I should go find a seat." I sit close to the back and see Sookie and Jackson come in and they sit next to me. Sookie gives me a bear hug, "Tori! I've missed you so much." I smile, "I missed you guys too." Jackson says, "when you coming back then." Sookie elbows Jackson and gives him a look before saying, "no pressure of course."

I sigh, "I don't know if I will be coming back guys, sorry." They both look down before Sookie says, "well then, you must be in town for our wedding. You don't have to be a bridesmaid even though I would love you to be one." I look down before saying, "I'll make it just get mom to pass on a date, but I'm not sure about the Bridesmaid thing." Sookie nods, "as long as your there."

The ceremony started and when it was mom's turn I saw her looking at my grandparents with tears in her eyes and she looked proud of herself. Then she looked at me the same making me cry a little and she the then moved her tassel on her cap and walked off the stage.  I walk up to her after with Sookie and Jackson as my grandparents leave my mom with a smile on her face.

I give her the biggest hug, "I am so proud of you. I would have never wanted to miss this." She smiles, "thank you so much for coming. Picture?" I nod and she hands Jackson the camera as he takes our photo. I then say, "I have a bus to catch, call you later mom." She nods, "yeah, wait did Rory make it?" I shake my head, "sorry."

When I get back to the apartment I find Jess in our room looking like he's thinking, "how was my sister." I made him jump, "God don't sneak up on a guy princess. She was good, said she came because I didn't say goodbye or something." I nod, "right, she didn't make it back in time." Jess nods, "how was your mom." "Hurt by Rory but really happy other then that." After a moment of silence he says, "we should go back to Stars Hollow." My eyes widen, "why? Did something happen, what did my sister say." He sighs, "don't tell anyone this but, I feel bad for leaving Luke. Also you miss your family so don't even try to lie about that." I cuddle up to him, "if it's what you want we can do it, we'll go back on the day of Sookie's wedding towards the beginning of summer." He nods, "sounds good."

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