Part 9

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Me, mom, and Rory were building our snowwomen for the contest and mom asks, "how are we liking the mouth?" I frown, "it looks wonky." Mom shakes her head, "I think it looks fine. You see it was intentional. It gives her a unique expression." Rory frowns, "like she had a stroke." Mom smirks, "fine, I'll just us the Mrs. Potato head lip." I sigh, "no, we'll use stroke mouth I mean it's not like we're going to win anyway." Rory nods, "yeah, we are so not going to win." Mom gasps, "whoa, bad attitude." I point behind her, "have you seen that guys, it's like a work of art." Mom shakes her head, "It's too over the top. Way too snowy." I sigh, "I need food, I'll meet you two at Luke's." They nod and continue to talk as I enter Luke's.

I sit at the counter and say to Jess, "my usual winter drink." He frowns, "you do know I have no clue what that is right?" I gasp, "how could you have no clue. Do you even know me at all. The betrayal!" He rolls his eyes and asks, "Luke? A little help." Luke comes over, "one cinnamon and apple latte coming up." My face brightens, "see you know me, Jessica be more like Luke." Jess just shakes his head, "I'm done, I am taking a break from the crazy." He then walks up the stairs and I follow him up saying, "forgive me, please Jess! Please!" I follow him in and he looks at my puppy dog eyes and sighs, "fine." I smirk, "every time." I go to go to his closet and he says, "don't even think about. Now lay with me so I can read." I smirk and lay next to him a listen to him read to me.

So this big party who had rented the Inn out for the Bracebridge dinner got snowed in so we decided to invite all the people from town we like. (Outfit above.) It was the day of the dinner me and Jess were walking out of school talking about, "so should I eat before we come?" I nod, "if you don't like things like Peacock pie yes. However I'm bringing snacks with me anyway." He nods, "good." When we get outside I hear a wolf whistle and then I hear Chuck Presby say, "loving the jeans Gilmore." Before I can even react he smacks my arse and I just stand there in shock as Jess the precedes to lunge at him. By the time I come out of shock I see Dean throwing Jess back and Jess walking away. I go to go after him when Dean says, "a real good friend you've got there."

I roll my eyes and run after Jess and check him over, "are you okay?" He nods, "I'm good. Are you?" I nod, "I'll be fine. You shouldn't have done that Jess, I can handle myself." He nods, "I know, I do. It's just-- I got so mad he thought he had the right to do that." I nod, "I get that I do, but you can't keep getting into fights." He holds me by the shoulders, "no one ever has the right to do that to you, okay? I can't just--" I nod, "I know." He shakes his head, "you don't because I-- Oh what the hell." He leans forward and kisses me, my first kiss. When he pulls back and I bet I look like a blushing mess, "Jess..." He smiles, "see you tonight." I nod still in shock as I watch him walk away in the snow.

A/N: What did you think of the first kiss? I know this part was short but the next one is longer.

Xoxo Maddie.

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