Part 16

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I walk in for my shift before school to see mom and Rory helping out, "did I miss something." Mom shakes her head, "the place is just very busy and Luke is doing something." I nod then look around and see Jess isn't here, "Where's Jess?" Luke turns to me and says, "upstairs." I huff, "well that isn't good enough is it? I'll be back." Luke tries to stop me but I don't listen and storm upstairs. Jess sees me, "well hello Princess, we're bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning." I sigh, "we need you help down there?" He sighs, "why?" I pout, "please. Look Caesars off this morning and Luke is on the phone doing something. Not to mentioned the place is swamped." He sighs, "I'll be done in a bit if you stop with the face."

I grab his arm, "no now." He points to the TV, "I'm in the middle of something." I see what he's watching and say, "well just assume that Jeanie's gonna get Major Healey out of whatever mess he's in, now move." He huffs, "jeezs thanks for spoiling it for me." I drag him down the stairs and on the last one give him a push. I hear my mom say, "you're very graceful." As I walk out he points, "she pushed me, she's the devil child." I put on a smile, "who little old me?" He turns to me, "I could've broken my neck." I smirk, "as long as it's not your arm, you need that to work." I hand him a coffee pot and grumbles, "she-devil."

It's the next day I had the day off work that Luke insisted I take even though the place is swamped still. I was playing basketball with Jess and some other people from school. Me and Jess were winning the 2 vs 2 match and we only needed one more to win overall then. Then I hear my sister calling "Jess! Shouldn't you be working?" I sigh, "let's take a short break guys." They nod and Jess groans, "I have the day off Rory." She shakes her head, "no my sister does you still have work so get to it." She grabs his arm to drag him but I drag him back, "no way Sis we are so close to winning. Tell her Jess." He nods, "we just need one more basket." She rolls her eyes, "one more." I send him a wink and grab the ball, "Start!" After awhile we get it in and my sister drags Jess to the diner as I follow behind for some food. 

It was the day of Luke's uncle's funeral and people had planned a wake and it turned out my mom wasn't behind it. I walk up to Jess who is by the food, "you do this?" He sighs, "I'm just standing here Tori, how am I already in trouble." I laugh, "no, I mean did you plan this. I though it was my mom but it wasn't." He shakes his head, "wasn't me." I give him a look, "really?" He sighs, "that crazy dance teacher called and asked when he was getting back from the funeral and to unlock the door. I unlocked the door then went back to bed. Happy." I smile, "you did a good thing, you helped. You were nice to someone other then me. That makes me happy." I kiss his cheek and he rolls his eyes, "doesn't take much does it?" I shrug, "depend on the person trying to make me happy. Come on I want to hear some funny stories."

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