Part 17

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I was with Rory in her room studying and there's a knock, "Rory? It's Luke." She opens the door, "hey." "Hey, can I come in for a minute." She nods, "come in." I wave, "hey Lukey what's up?" He sit's down, "just need to talk to your sister." When Rory comes back he says, "so, I see your studying. That's good. Studying's very good. What you're doing there with those books-- very good." Rory nods, "thank you." I sit up, "you good Luke?" He nods, "yeah. Look Rory, I wanted to ask you a favor. I was wondering if you could tutor Jess." She looks confused, "what?"

"He's not doing great in school. The principal says he's not gonna let him move on unless something changes. I was wondering if you could help." I frown, "that makes no sense, he's smart enough to pass any subject, heck he helps me with my work." Luke nods, "I don't think it's his lack of smarts, more so him not being in actual class." I stand up, "excuse me." They nod and I send mom a smile then head to the diner.

When I get there I see Jess sitting at the counter reading, I bash the book out of his hands, "I know." He frowns, "you know what?" I sigh, "I know you walk with me to school and then sneak off and only turn up to classes with me." His eyes widen, "how do you--" I shake my head, "Luke came asking my sister to tutor you." He groans, "please say she said no." I shrug, "I don't know I left, but if she is I will sit with you and make sure you actually do the work. Deal?" He nods, "fine." I turn to walk out but before I do I say, "I'm so mad I can't look at you, you can do so much better. You need to prove everyone wrong." With that I leave and go to the bridge to sit and think.

(Outfit above.) I walk into the closed diner and see Rory, "no Jess yet then?" She looks at me in surprise, "I didn't know you would be here." I nod and sit at the counter, "yeah well I'm just here to keep him in check." He then comes down, "So who's ready for some learning the mind is a terrible thing to waste." I look at him, "books?" He smirks, "I don't know where they are. Oh, well movie instead?" I shake my head, "books now please!" He sighs, "fine." He then grabs a towel and pulls an apple from behind and hands it to me, "thanks, still mad though." He shrugs, "made you smile a little though." He then leaves to get his books. 

After going over some books Jess is still just messing around with cards and turns to Rory, "pick a card." She throws them on the floor and I stifle a laugh and Jess says, "well that made the trick a little bit harder." Rory sighs, "I'm here to help you study. If you want me to go I'll go." I shake my head, "nope you stay, and you work." He sighs, "fine."

He was meant to writing an essay and he says, "done." I look over Rory's shoulder and say, "that is not Shakespeare. It's lyrics to a Clash song." He smirks, "but what one?" Rory puts it down, "we are not the ones being tested here." Jess then says, "10 seconds... 9,8,7..." I read it over, "let me think Kelly." "... 6,5,4..." I then say, "ooh, oh, Guns of Brixton!" He smirks, "A-plus." Rory then asks, "why did you even agree to this?" He looks at me then says, "I wanted to make your sister happy." I roll my eyes, "being nice is not going to make me forgive you for playing a role everyone else gave you and for tricking me."

He sighs, "fine then how about ice cream. Let's go out and get ice cream, Rory is that your car?" She nods, "yeah it is, but we have ice cream here." He sighs, "but we have no cones, I want cones." I shake my head, "Jess..." He sits next to me, "how about this we get ice cream then I will be the perfect student." I nod, "promise." "Promise." Rory looks at me, "really? Fine but Jess you drive then I can read to you on the way, not to mention my sister can't drive to save her life." So we all decided to get ice cream.

On the way back I was sitting in the back as Jess drives and Rory sits next to him, "admit it it's always better in a cone." I nod, "so true." Rory nods, "it's always better in a cone." I lean forward and ask, "who even though to put in a dish." Jess nods, "the monsters." Rory nods, "what is wrong with people." Just then Jess says to Rory, "hold the wheel." She shakes her head, "no way." He sighs, "I'm dripping hold the wheel." She shakes her head, "I can't hold the wheel your driving. The person that's driving hold the wheel. That's the first thing the teach you in drivers ED." He laughs, "I gotta take that class one day. Now hold the wheel. I'm letting go." Rory takes it, "take it back right now. You are taking this back and when you do I'll kill you." I laugh, "Oh come on sissy live a little." "Jess!" He takes it, "Okay! I got it!" He takes it back.

I hit is shoulder, "you almost killed my sister look at her. Death will come your way." He laughs, "neither of you will kill me, think how dull your life would be without me. Now, I promised to study so we should go back." I nod, "sounds about right." He nods, "so I go straight and we are back at the diner. Or I go right and we and we could just drive in circles for a bit." I turn to Rory, "let the teacher decide." She thinks on it then says, "go right." Then something pulls out in front of us and Jess swerves. I hold on and when we stop ask, "is everyone okay?" Jess says, "I'm good." I lean forward, "Rory." She groans, "I can't move my arm." I get out, "I'll go find a phone and call 999." I run to a pay phone, "hello? Yeah I need an ambulance there was a car crash my sister can't move her arm. We're outside Doose's market Stars Hollow. Thank you." I run back and see Jess out of the car waiting for me, "they're on there way." He nods, "I don't want to move her."

I then hear Rory say, "you guys should go, I don't want you trouble please. I'll be fine." I look to Jess and say, "meet me at the bridge." He nods and runs off. I then say, "I'll wait till they come." She shakes her head, "if mom finds out and finds you and him she'll never let you see him. I may have a crush on him but you love him, I can see that. Go I'll be fine." I nod, "I love you." I hear the sirens and start to run to the bridge.

When I get there I find Jess with a cigarette, "thought you gave that up." He sighs, "stressed. How is she." I nod, "she's ok, the ambulance got there as I ran off." I sit next to him, "I'll have to leave, go to New York." I nod, "I'll come with you." He scoffs, "Your mom would never have that." I shake my head, "I don't care. I would rather be with you in New York then here without you." He cups my face, "be my girlfriend." I nod, "of course, you and me against the world Mariano. My mom should be with my sister by now so I have time to pack a bag and get all my stuff." He nods, "go now I'll meet you at the bus stop." As I get up I see Luke and he gives me a nod as I leave.

I meet Jess at the bus stop with my bag and see Luke there, "you sure about this Tori?" I nod, "I've never been more sure. Thanks for not trying to talk me out of it." He nods, "who am I to, your mom will kill me." I nod, "I know, give her this." I hand him a letter I wrote, "I will." I step back and let him say bye to Jess then after a hug goodbye we got on the bus. New York here we come.

3rd POV:

Chris and Lorelai had just made up when there's a knock on the door. They both go to it and open it to find Luke, "Luke I can't do this right now." He nods, "I know but, Tori asked me to give you this. She left." Chris' eyes widen, "she what?" Luke nods, "with Jess. She said to give you this. I don't know when they'll be back or, if they ever are coming back. I am really sorry." With that he left.

Now Lorelai and Chris sit at the table reading the letter, 

Dear mom,

I love you and I'm sorry but I also love him. I'm guessing your mad about the accident right now, we made sure Rory was okay I only left once I knew the ambulance was close. I know you must be disappointed in me more then anything, and that's okay but I'm doing what I got to do. I'll call soon, I'm really sorry. Tell Rory I love her and I hope she get's better soon.



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