Part 20

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The night before Sookie's wedding we packed all our stuff that wasn't still in Stars Hollow and got on the bus. We arrived early hours of the morning and Jess went to Luke's and I went home and snuck in to get changed and unpacked. No one seemed to be home most likely getting ready for the wedding. When I got to the wedding I saw dad holding mom in his arms. I clear my throat, "mom? Dad?" They go to say something but my grandparents walk up to us and mom whispers, "later." I nod and sneak off to my sister.

"Hey sissy." Rory gives me a hug, "hey, glad you could make it." I smirk, "well why wouldn't I be able to?" She gives me a look, "you live in New York." I frown, "do I?" She nods slowly before smiling, "you aren't." I nod, "as long as there's still a room for me." She squeals spinning me around. I hear mom laugh, "what's going on?" Rory lets me go and says, "mom, she's coming home." I turn to mom, "If that's ok with you, I already dropped off my bag." Mom nods with the biggest smile on her face, "it's more then ok hun. I have some news to. Me and your dad are going to give it a go." I smile, "I'm happy for you as long as he keeps his promises this time." Rory nods, "same here."

Dad soon takes us aside and says, "I'm assuming your mom has talked to you." Rory nods, "she talks to us all the time." I nod along, "even when we beg her not to." Dad asks, "has she told you what we discussed?" Rory nods, "she mentioned something." "What do you two think about this." I sigh, "as long as your serious dad. If you break her heart I don't know if I could forgive you. Are your intentions honourable?" We stop walking and he looks us dead in the eyes, "completely honorable." Rory then says, "because we have been waiting a really long time for this, and we take disappointment extremely hard." I nod, "she means it. Property damage if often involved. "He smiles, "so I better follow through on this, huh?" We both smile and I say, "you better." Rory nods, "I think that's an excellent idea." He then opens his arms, "come here." We give him a hug and then his phone rings and he leaves to take it saying it might be work.

I then leave wanting to look around before the ceremony, I love the sound of the calming water. On the way back to the main area I see my sister of all people kissing Jess. He pulls back and then sees me, "Tori!" Rory's eyes widen and I run away and away from the inn not caring if I miss the wedding. I go to the bridge and cry my eyes out, why does this always happen. Why can't they ever just like me, why do they always pick her. I then here someone's foot steps.

I look up and see him, "she kissed me, I pushed her off please Tori." I shake my head, "I knew this would happen. Is this why you wanted to come back? I mean after you saw her you decided we should come back." He shakes his head, "no, she mentioned Luke and I realised I missed him and I could see how much you missed your family.  I choose a thousand times over do you hear me. I love you Tori!" My eyes widen, "you what?" He lowers his voice, "I love you." I kiss him and then when I pull away I say, "promise me, you feel nothing for Rory." He nods, "I promise." I smile, "I love you too Jess." We spend the rest of the night sitting there in our spot watching the water.

A/N: I hope guys liked this part and how I did the I love yous. Let's just say when Rory get's back from the summer things are gonna be bad to say the least.  Let me know what you want to see move of and what you want to happen next.

Xoxo Maddie.

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