Part 4

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It's now the day of the ball and we had arrived late so we got scolded and given two mirrors without lights on them. (Dress above.) I'm now just waiting for this thing to start in the dressing room. Then a girls walks over to me, "hey, I'm Gabi. This your first time?" I nod, "yep and hopefully last. I'm doing this for my Grandma and sister. This is not really my scene. I'm Tori." She nods, "nice to meet you and this is so not my thing either but you look gorgeous by the way." I smile, "thanks so do you." She writes down her number and hands it to me, "call me, I think we could be good friends." She sends me a wink and then we are called to line up.

As I go to line up Daniel walks up to me and says, "just wanted to wish you luck. You look great." This past week we had a couple of drinks together but from what I could tell, this is the most basic and boring guy I have ever had to talk to. However it turns out he's the grandson of one Grandma's closest friends so I had to be nice to him. I just nod, "thanks, you look great too." My dad soon arrived and Daniel left and I say, "thank God. He is so boring." Dad laughs, "you had the same look your mother does in those situations. So you ready, it will be your sister first then I'll back and you'll be last." I nervously laugh, "just don't let me fall." He winks, "never."

Just like he said he walked Rory down first then came back and I took his arm and as we walked down the lady said, "Victoria Gilmore, daughter of Christopher Hayden and Lorelai Gilmore." As we walk down I see the only person there is my mom and she looks sad and my grandparents, the only reason I am doing this, are nowhere to be found. When we reach the bottom I put on a smile and dad kisses my hand, I curtsey, and dad then hands me to Daniel and he takes me to the fan dance. The worst dance ever!

After the ball me and Rory went ahead to Luke's and mom stopped to talk to dad. When we got there I went up to apartment needing to get out of this annoying dress. When I do I see Jess reading like normal and I say, "hey, Jess I need shorts and a top again." He sighs, "fine look in the cupboard. Oh and just so you know, you look like a cotton ball." I nod, "I know." He then looks back at his book as I take a top and shorts and then change in the bathroom. When I get back Jess asks, "so how's the boyfriend?" I frown, "who? If you mean Daniel he's not my boyfriend too vanilla for my taste. Why are you jealous." He scoffs, "why would I be." I smirk, "You so are. Even if I did get a boyfriend we would still be friends. You know that right?" He shrugs, "whatever." I shake my head smiling and go back down to see a pink lemonade and burger ready.

Soon after I sit down Jess comes down in Luke's old cap and one of his flannels and starts to clean up. I hold in my laugh and Luke says he can have his joke. Then soon he yells, "that's it. Get upstairs and change." I can't hold in my laugh any longer and Jess just smirks at me and says, "whatever you say, uncle Luke." As he goes up Luke yells up to him, "it's 'Luke'-- Just 'Luke'. Mr Luke. In fact don't address me at all!" I smile, "the perfect end to the night." Rory nods, "yeah."

A/N: Do you think we'll see more Gabi if so what do you she'll be like. I hope you liked this part comment what you think.

Xoxo Maddie.

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