Part 11

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Today my Grandpa was in town, and I missed him this morning because of my early shift and Luke's. (Outfit above.) Just as my shift ended mom and grandpa walk in and mom says, "well, this is it-- Luke's." I rush over and give grandpa a hug, "grandpa! I'm so sorry I missed you this morning, I have the morning shift. I wish I could stay longer but I have to go to school." He nods, "I completely understand I will see you after." I nod, "I look forward to it." Just then Jess slowly walks down and I put my hands on my hips, "could you walk any slower? I don't fancy being late." He gives me a salute, "whatever you say Princess."

I laugh shaking my head then I realises Grandpa has not met him yet, "Oh right, grandpa this is Jess, Jess my grandfather." Jess shakes his hand, "nice to meet you sir." My grandpa nods, "and you young man. Now off to school don't be late on my account." I nod and mom gives me a kiss on the cheek, "have a good day hun." I smile, "you too. I hope you enjoy Stars Hollow Grandpa." He smiles, "I'm sure I will." I gives them one last wave and then me and Jess leave.

After school I was at work and Jess had decided to get changed and stay in the apartment being unhelpful. I then hear my sister and poke my head out and see Paris with her and Luke asks, "you want some coffee, Angela?" I smirk this is going to be good. Paris shakes her head, "no, thanks. So, you run the diner, huh? You get a lot of truckers though here." I lean in and whisper to Rory, "what is she doing." Rory then explains she's trying to find the bad part to the town and that just makes this even funnier. Luke looks at Paris confused, "truckers?"

Paris nods, "yeah. You know guys on the road for weeks, looking for some company things like that." Luke asks Rory, "what's she talking about?" Rory just raises her hands innocently and I whisper, "this should be good." Paris the explains her questioning, "it's pretty common knowledge that diners are breeding grounds for prostitution and drug deals." Luke's eyes widen, "what?" Paris asks, "have you ever seen anything like that here?" Luke takes a deep breath, "have I ever..." Paris then points to one of the customers, "what about that guy? What's his story?" Luke follows her line of vision and asks, "reverend Nichol?" Paris asks, "what's that, like Dr. Feelgood?" I shake my head, "idea, burn, erase, I beg of you." Rory just laughs and then Luke asks, "how much do you like this person?" Rory shrugs, "do what you gotta do Luke."

Just on time Jess walks down from the apartment and Paris asks, "where'd he come from? What's up there? Is that where you keep the girls?" Jess seeing this opportunity plays along, "I think she got you, Uncle Luke. Better give up now." I start laughing and Luke points to the both of us, "do not add to this insanity and you stop laughing this is not funny." I raise my hands in surrender and Jess says, "an innocent boy like me should not be raised in this atmosphere. I want to be good life's just not letting me." Then Rory drags Paris out and Paris yells, "why do you need me to leave? What are you hiding?"

Me and Jess wave innocently at her then I notice he's wearing the camo top, "is that what I think?" He slowly backs away and says, "no." I follow him, "you gave that to me, when and how did you get it back." He runs up the stairs and I follow him, "you'll never catch me Princess!" "You wanna bet Kelly." I jump on him and we both land on the bed with me on top of him and he smirks, "all you had to do was ask." I blush and get off him and he starts to laugh at my red face. I smack his shoulder, "just shut up and at least give me a different shirt." He sighs and grabs one and goes to the bathroom. When he comes back he gives me the camo shirt, "happy?" I beam up and him and give him a kiss, "yep."

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