Part 2

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It was the next day and I was sat in English picking at my nail polish not wanting to look at the book and get a headache. Just then our English teacher Mr Rudkin says, "we have a new student today, Jess Mariano. You can sit over there next to Tori, maybe some of you smarts will rub off on her." I roll my eyes and Jess slumps in the seat next to me. We were told to read the book and the start writing the report. I squint my eyes and end up giving up.

Then Jess leans over and asks, "you need glasses or something?" I shrug, "I can't read it." He frowns, "what do you mean? Like you don't want to." I shake my head, "I can't read it." He looks at my book and says, "looks good to me." I sigh, "I'm Dyslexic okay. It just all look jumbled, and sir douchebag thinks I'm dumb because I can't read the books he gives me." Jess nods, "sounds like a he problem. I could read it for you or whatever." I fake gasp, "Mr Cool! Are you being nice?" He scoffs, "if you don't want help then I won't." I give him a genuine smile, "thanks, no ones ever really offered to help." He shrugs, "it's no big deal." He then spent the rest of the lesson reading the book and helping me when I couldn't understand it.

It was now the night of the dinner and I was in Rory's room listening to music. I see mom at the door and then she says something before leaving. I just shrug it off and continue to listen to my music. Just then I see Jess walk in and give him a nod as Rory greets him. Then Jess looks at Rory's books and says, "wow. Aren't we hooked on Phonics." Rory get's up from her studying and says, "those are mine, I read a lot." I nod and remove my headphones, "yep she's a little bookworm." She gives me playful glare before asking Jess, "do you read?" He shrugs, "not much." I get up and smirk as I ask, "but how much his not much." He shakes his head with a small smile and I return it.

Mom then comes into the room and says, "we need to get Jackson away from the lemons, so we're moving the feast into the living room." Rory then replies for the three of us, "be right there." Jess moves to the windows and asks, "do these open?" I roll my eyes as Rory says, "you just have to unlatch them and then push." He asks, "shall we then?" Rory looks confused so I explain, "he wants to bail Rory. Now my answer is no, if I don't get some of that food into me I will turn into a crazy person so come on Mr Cool. Let's get you a drink." I gesture to the door and he sighs but follows me into the kitchen as Rory goes to the living room.

I open the fridge and get a pink lemonade and say, "you want one?" He shakes his head, "pinks not my colour but thanks I'll get my own." I shrug, "your choice." I go into the living room and mom leaves to get the garlic bread and after a lot of yelling mom comes back and Luke and Jess are no longer at the table. I go to ask what happened but mom is quick to ask Rory about school so I don't get the chance.

I went to school the next day and sit next to Jess in English and ask, "so what happened to piss my mom off so much she refused to step into Luke's this morning and for the rest of the day?" He shrugs, "I stole a beer." I raise an eyebrow, "and? Come on my mom would not be this mad over that. Spill." He shrugs, "I asked if she was sleeping with Luke." I laugh, "no way! No wonder she was so mad. I mean in my opinion her and Luke are soulmates but just too dumb to see it." He nods slowly, "cool. So did you finish the book report?" I nod, "yep and it's my best one yet I think. I may even get a C this time, I mean I actually understood the text this time. Thanks." He shrugs, "it was nothing." Mr Rudkin then hands out the papers and looks at me and says, "better, but still not as good as your sister." He puts down my paper and I see I did get a C. The highest I ever got in this class was a D.

I was happy until I realised what he said about my sister. I wanted to tell my mom but would she even be proud of me compared to Rory who was getting straight A's at a private school? Jess looks over my shoulder and says, "why the sad face, you passed." I shrug, "it's no A compared to my sister." He scoffs, "who cares, it's still good. A smile won't kill you." I laugh, "I could say the same. What did you get?" He shrugs, "C-. I didn't like the book." I nod, "same when you read it I almost fell asleep." He laughs a little then goes back to being Mr Cool for the rest of the lesson.

After school I see Luke and Jess walking away from the school and follow them seeing as I had to go to work anyway. I then gasp as I see Luke push Jess in the lake. As Luke walks off I run to Jess and start laughing my head off, "you need help there?" He grumbles under his breath and I ask, "is that a yes or...?" He sighs, "just give me you hand." I hold it out and he takes it and then pulls me in." I scream and when I resurface I ask, "why did you do that!?" He shrugs, "You laughed at me." I then splash him and he splashes me back and we both end up laughing. We get out of the lake and walk to Luke's drenched.

On the way loads of people were looking at us but we didn't care as we walked. When we get to the apartment Jess throws me a camo long sleeved shirt and some gym shorts. I go into the bathroom and get changed and dry my hair off. When I leave the bathroom I see Jess changed and say, "I should get to work. See you around Jess." He nods and I get to work in the kitchen.

That same night when I get home mom looks me up and down and asks, "where did you get them clothes?" I shrug, "I fell in the lake, so Jess gave me some clothes." She nods slowly and then Rory runs up to me and asks, "can you go to Doose's and buy me some folders?" I sigh, "give me the money and I will." She hands me the money and I grab my coat and go to Doose's.

As I leave with the folders Jess walks up to me, "hey, I see you haven't changed." I nod, "yeah, you are so not getting this top back it's to comfy. I'll give you the shorts back tomorrow though, I left almost as soon I got home." He nods down to my bag, "what's in there?" I shrug, "Rory wanted me to get her folders for school." "You her slave or something?" I laugh, "No, she just has to finish her article for tomorrow."

He then asks, "so what you up to now?" "I'm going home and then finishing my art assignment." He nods, "well then let me leave you with this." He pulls out the book next on the reading list and I frown, "I don't get it." He hands it to me, "just open it, the text it bigger and not so close together so it's thicker, and well just look." I open and see he's right and see a blue overlay, "what-- Why--" He shrugs, "couldn't keep reading you to sleep. I heard the blue thing helps. See you at school." As he walks away I say, "see you around Jack Kelly." He frowns, "what?" I laugh, "figure it out." As I go to leave he says, "Newsies." I laugh, "not bad Mr Cool." He sends me a lazy smirk as I wave and leave.

A/N: this part was longer and I am now done with this episode. Tell me what you thin of Jess and Tori so far and what challenges you think they could face in the future.

Xoxo Maddie.

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