Part 3

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Friday night dinner was interesting we came and Grandma and Grandpa were openly fighting, it entertaining to say the least. However this morning I was working the kitchen at the diner trying to cook as fast as possible. Mostly because Caesar thought that today would be the perfect morning to take off and Jess was no where to be found so it was just me and Luke.

I have now finally caught up with all of my orders so I look out from the kitchen and see my mom and Rory sitting at the counter. Then I see Jess walk down and Luke lecture him on being late, "you were supposed to be down here-- what the hell is that." I then see what he's wearing and laugh and he looks at Luke confused, "what?" Luke points down to it, "that." He looks down and says, "that is a shirt." Luke says, "change." "What?" "Go up stairs and change your shirt." He shrugs, "I like this shirt." Luke asks, "how can you like it?" He looks around Luke and sees me and says, "it brings out my eyes. Right Tori?" I nod, "totally, they just pop right out at me. I'll have to add that to the list to steal from you."

Luke sighs, "please not this morning Tori." I shrug and mom asks, "you have a list?" I nod, "I started one after I kept his camo, it's comfy." Before Jess goes to change he yells to me, "and this shirt is not going on the list." I nod, "it now totally is Kelly." He just rolls his eyes at me and leaves to change. By the time he came back mom and Rory had left and it was time for school so me and Jess walked there. He asks, "I don't see you hang out with anyone at school." I nod, "I could the same about you. I just don't see the point in talking to bottle blonde cheerleaders." He nods slowly, "so you have no friends apart from me?" I stop and ask, "since when did you become my friend." He smirks, "since now, don't let it go to your head Gilmore." I laugh, "well come on Mr Cool don't want to be late for Ms North in math."

It was after school and I was in the kitchen with mom studying. Then Rory comes in and says, "I'm coming out." Mom asks, "out of what?" I make a guess, "out of the closet...?" Rory gives me a playful glare and then says, "out to society, and Tori is as well." Turns out Rory went to Grandma's after school and she had her DAR friends round, then the next thing you know they convince Rory to go to the debutante ball and for me to do it to. I sigh and get the phone, "no way am I doing this."

I call Grandma, "hello, Grandma sorry to call so late." "Oh, Tori what a wonderful surprise. My guess is that Rory told you about the ball. I am so happy you are doing this, considering everything I have done for your sister and I have never asked for a thing in return." Wow she is good at the whole guilt trip, "you see Grandma, unlike Rory I don't have an escort." She sighs, "well if you can't find one in two days I'm sure I could find you one. I am so happy you are doing this. See you soon." "yeah but--" Before I could utter another word the line goes dead and I turn to mom, "I guess I need a dress and an escort."

So my dad's coming into town for the ball and I still need an escort. I really don't want to be stuck with some snooty trust fund kid. So in English instead of reading I just gave Jess puppy dog eyes. He sighs and says, "You have been giving me that look all day. I am not giving you any of my shirts." I just smile, "I know." "Then what's with the look." "How much do you like me." He shrugs, "you seem to be the sane person in town. Why?" "Would you wear a tux, tails, and gloves for me, your only friend who is in desperate need." He looks at me confused, "why would I do that, ever." I pout, "I have to do this debutante ball for my Grandma and I need an escort. It's either you or some stuck up boring trust fund kid." He laughs under his breath, "sorry Gilmore, but I have better things to do then do that. Anyway I have this thing called work." I groan, "trust fund kid it is." He laughs, "sorry, have fun." I hit my head on the table and mope for the rest of the lesson.

I called Grandma after school and she set my escort to be someone named Daniel Freeman. According to her we should only need to meet up for dance practice seeing as he has done this once before. Rory, Dean, and Lane were watching Neil Young in a tux when I heard a car honk it's horn. Me, Rory, and mom all ran out to see my dad and a car of all things.

I look around the car and when Rory seems to have gone inside he turns to me, "so what do you think kiddo?" I shrug, "does this mean I get the bike." He laughs and mom says, "when you learn how to ride one then we can talk." I sigh and then give up, "fine, and I will learn." Dad then says, "I got you something too." He grabs something out of the car and when he gives it to me I gasp, "is this what I think it is." He nods, "limited edition signed record vinyl of Queens 'a night at the opera'." I hug him, "thank you! Thank you! I'm going to listen to it right now." I run up to my room and play it. (Bedroom above.)

Then later that day me, Rory, and Dean went down to Miss Patty's to learn the dance. When we get there I see a guy waiting out front and I walk up to him and ask, "Daniel?" He nods, "You must be Tori. She shall we." I nod and we walk in. Me and Daniel got it down quickly and Rory and Dean not so much. After awhile Miss Patty said we needed no more practice so we left the lovebirds to it. I thought he would just leave but instead he turned to me and asked, "you want to grab a coffee." I nod slowly, "sure, we can go to the place I work. It's just over there." I point to Luke's and he nods and we walk in and grab a table.

As we do none other then Jess walks up to our table, "hey Gilmore, who's this?" I introduce him, "this is my escort for the ball thing, Daniel. Daniel this is Jess." Daniel nods, "I'm surprised you didn't take her mate." Jess shrugs, "not my thing. So are you going to order or what pretty boy." I swear I could have seen jealousy in his eyes but shrugged it off, I mean he couldn't be jealous. Could he? Daniel then orders, "I'll just have a coffee." Jess nods, "coming up." As he walks away Daniel says, "wait! She didn't order." He shrugs, "I know what's getting." Then he's gone. When he is Daniel asks, "so you two dating?" I laugh, "what? No. we're just friends." Daniel smiles, "good. You have a nice laugh by the way." I smile, "thanks."

A/N: Is Jess jealous if so does he have a right to be? What do you think of Daniel being Tori's escort? Tell me your thought in the comments.

Xoxo Maddie.

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