Part 10

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(Outfit above.) The evening has just begun and Rory and mom were handing out the keys. Just then Paris comes and Rory hands me the book with the room numbers, "you can take over, I have to deal with Paris." I take the book and sigh, "fine." As I was telling people there rooms I see Rory talking to Dean and his little sister Clara. Seeing as she was done with Paris I go to give her the book back when I see Jess and Luke enter. I blush and look down but decide to pull myself together and book them in.

As I walk to them I see him wave sarcastically at Dean. I laugh a little and say, "hey guys, glad you came. Here's your key." I hand it to Luke and he says, "thanks, Tori." I just nod and Jess says, "we're sharing room, that's just great." Luke sighs, "I'm going to see if your mother needs help, you Jess stay out of trouble." He gives him salute and when he leaves asks, "should we talk?" I nod, "not here, let me give this book back to Rory and we'll go outside." He nods and I give the book back to Rory and then me and Jess make our way round the back of the inn.

We stand on the bridge and he says, "I'm sorry." I look at him confused, "for what?" He sighs, "taking your first kiss without even asking." I shrug, "I didn't mind." He looks up at me in shock, "You didn't? So you don't want to forget it ever happened?" My face falls, "why do you? Because if so we totally can--" He cuts me off with another kiss and then asks, "Oh, shut it will you." I laugh, "sorry. Can we take this slow though. I mean you should really take me on a date first." He nods, "whatever you want Princess." I smile, "thanks Kelly. Come on we should get back to the others before they wonder where we went."

As we went back we spilt up and I went back to greeting people with Rory. Grandma and grandpa came and grandpa looked really happy. The happiest I've seen him in a long time. As mom went to greet more people I see Jess looking at the paintings and Rory look over to him and smile a little and I swear I saw her blush. Does she like him? No that would be crazy, but if she does I don't stand a chance.

Later on everyone gathered in the reception and mom announced that she had horse drawn sleighs. I walk over to Jess as I hear him say to Luke, "I think I'll wait for the clog dancing." I stand in front of him and say knowing his answer already, "Please." He shakes his head, "not happening." As soon as I pull out my puppy dog eyes his face softens a little and Luke says, "you are on your own Jess." As he leaves Jess sighs, "I hate you for this." He get's up and offers me his arm and I take it with a smile, "no you don't." He just shakes his head and we get on a sleigh.

He pulls the blanket over me and I lean my head on his shoulder, "hey, Jess?" He hums in acknowledgement and I carry on, "I get the whole hitting Chuck thing, but why Dean?" He shrugs, "from what I can tell he doesn't like me, besides you've got to admit it's funny seeing him mad." I laugh a little, "I guess it is, so it has nothing to do with my sister." Jess frowns, "why would it, I barely know or talk to your sister. I mean when I do she's telling me off or yelling at me for something." I shrugs, "I just saw the way she looked at you earlier. I think she might have a small crush on you, and well when she wants something she normally get's it." He smirks, "you're jealous." I huff, "am not." He pokes my nose, "no I think it's cute." I pout, "shut it." He then says, "I don't like Rory, I like you." I nod, "good."

Jess then says, "anyway, this town is weird and full of jerks, I think you might be the only one I can stand." I sit up and ask, "so why don't you go back to New York? I mean school is out." He looks down and I swear I could see a flash of hurt before he says, "my mom didn't want me to." I shake my head, "that can't be true." "It is. Luke said it was his idea I stay here for the break. It wasn't his idea." I take hold of his hand, "on the bright side this gives me someone to annoy Luke with." He smirks, "my favorite pass time." Then we pass by the snowman contest and he says, "looks good. Your snowman, well snowwoman actually." I look at him in shock, "how can you tell what one ours even is?" He shrugs, "it's the one with the personality . Kind of looks like Bjork." I nod, "it was the idea, but everyone thinks that ones going to win." Jess shakes his head as he looks at the professionally made one, "no way. It's so overdone." I nod, "I agree. God it's cold." He opens up his arms, "for Gods sake come here icicle." I snuggle into his arms, "what can I say, I'm an ice princess."

Everyone was now back at the inn and I chose sit with Jess and Luke instead of mom and Rory. Jess then says, "we should have eaten before we came." I smirk, "told you so." Luke gives us both a looks, "shh. And, yeah." Jess rolls his eyes, "you're the one who wouldn't let me." I go into my coat that was on my chair and hold a bag of chips under the table to Jess, "chip?" He nods, "God yes." Just then Butternut squash soup was passed out and Jess asks, "what's the white stuff?" Luke guesses, "I think it's cheese." I shrug, "or cream." Jess then asks, "and the green stuff." Luke says, "I think it's best picked off." He picks it off and we both follow suit. By the end of the night Grandpa announced his retirement and to say Grandma was as shocked as the rest of us was an understatement, however I think she was also mad.

When it was time for bed I had a room to myself. I was looking up a the ceiling when I hear a knock at my door. I open it and see Jess, "Jess? I was about to go to sleep, what's going on." He sighs, "Luke snores and tonight it's really bad. I feel like I'm sleeping next to one of those ship sea horns." I laugh, "well come on in." He walks in and as I get in bed he just stands there, "where should I...?" I shrug, "you could take the floor or I could and you could take the bed." He shakes his head, "I'll take the floor." I nod, "there should be more sheets and stuff in the closet." He get's them and I turn the lights off, "nigh Kelly." "Night Princess."

The next morning Grandma and Grandpa seemed to have made up and as I was saying bye to Jess I saw Rory looking at him and I see Dean also noticed. Jess gives me a short hug and says he'll see me at work. Me, Mom, and Rory took one of the sleighs home, we saw the snowman at the end had been smashed up and I have a feeling I know how did that, and then after I unpacked I went to work.

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