Part 8

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(Outfit above.) I was walking to school like normal with Jess and then suddenly he asks, "have you ever been kissed." I blush, "what? Why would you even ask that!?" He laughs, "your face! But I'm guessing it's a no then." I nod, "well I have never had a boyfriend so yeah, it's a no." Just then Dean comes running up to me, "Tori! Hey how are you?" I frown, "good? I'm sorry why are you talking to me?" He laughs awkwardly, "just checking in on a friend." I raise an eyebrow, "oh really? Who?" He laughs nervously, "you silly." I nod slowly and Jess jumps, "well we have Math first so..." I nod, "yeah, we should go." Dean nods and we walk away. I sigh in relief, "thanks Jess, I have no clue what that was." Jess nods, "same here."

After a very strange day of Dean and Lane talking to me, or trying to I finally got home. I then yelled, "Rory!" I hear her yell back, "kitchen!" I walk to the kitchen and see mom and Rory sitting down and I get my pink lemonade and then sit with them and say, "Rory, can you please tell Lane and Dean to stop being weird and calling me their friend none stop. It's creepy." Rory frowns, "I have no clue why they would do that." Mom sighs in what sounds like defeat, "I asked them to talk to you more today at school, make you feel less lonely. I listened to you in the town meeting and I thought I could help." I stand up and look at my mom in shock, "you got me pity friends! Mom! That is so embarrassing, I have Jess I'm fine! So stay out of my social life!" With that I take my drink and storm off to Luke's.

I go straight up to the apartment and flop on the bed and see Jess put his book down and he asks, "something happen?" I sit up with a pout, "my mom asked Lane and Dean to be my pity friends." He winces, "ouch." I nod, "yeah... were you reading again?" He shrugs, "I like reading." I take his book off him and shake my head, "no, I mean I swear every time I come up here you are reading. What else do you even do?" He sighs, "are you done?" I shake my head, "nope. come on let's go and do something fun." I get up and drag him with me and as we leave Luke asks, "where are you going." We both shout at the same time, "out!"

We get on the bus and arrive in Hartford, "why are we here Princess?" I start to walk and he follows, "just hold on, I need to make a call." He sighs and I find the number of Gabi from the ball. "Hello?" "Is this Gabi, it's me Tori." "Oh hey girl! I thought you lost my number." "No sorry I was just really busy. So I heard there's a fair in Hartford tonight, you going?" "Yeah, I'll meet you by the entrance. I'm going with my mate Robby." "Yeah well I'm bringing someone too, see you in a bit." I take Jess' hand and drag him the direction of the fair and he's silent all the way, but it was comfortable.

We get there and I see Gabi and a guy our age. I give her a hug and say, "hey Gabi. This is Jess, Jess this is Gabi." Jess nods, "hey." Gabi smiles brightly at him, "hey! Oh and Tori this is Robby." He looks me up and down and then smirks, "hey beautiful." Just then I feel an arm go round my waist and pull me closer and turn to see Jess giving Robby a death glare. After awhile of the stare off and having Jess hold me close to him, much to my confusion, Me and Gabi drag the boys into the fair.

After a couple of rides and a lot of candy floss we go on the Ferris Wheel as the sun sets and it was two to a compartment so me and Jess went together. I put my head on his shoulder and ask, "so, this was better then reading all day, right?" He shrugs, "it's close." I could hear smirk in his voice and I ask, "what was that before? You know at the entrance." He sighs, "I didn't like how he was looking at you." Hearing the anger in his voice I drop it and we watch the sun set.

We get off the bus and I see my mom at Luke's yelling at Luke. Me and Jess walk in and my mom stops yelling and hugs the life out of me when she sees me, "thank God you are okay. Do you know how long you have been gone!? I asked Luke and all he could say was you said you were going out. We looked everywhere before coming back here! You should have called me. I was worried sick." I look down, "I didn't mean to be gone for this long when I left the house." Mom looks at Jess, "was this your idea?"

I step in-between them and say, "no mom it was all me. I came here, and I dragged him along and he had no clue where I was taking him and we ended up in Hartford. It was all me." She just sighs again and I turn to Luke, "I'm sorry for making you worried." He gives me a small smile and then mom says we should head home. Rory then expressed her worry for me and then I went to bed.

A/N: more protective Jess and some Lorelai panic also I brought Gabi back. Right now she's not a main character but I will be mentioning her and she will appear sometimes. Tell me what you think in the comment.

Xoxo Maddie.

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