Part 15

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I didn't have work this morning so I walked into Luke's with my mom and sister and say, "this place is a safety hazard." As Luke stormed past us we take a seat and my mom nods, "yeah look at this place, it's a mess." Then Luke walks over and says, "nope, can't sit here." I pout, "and why ever not. I like this seat." He rolls his eyes, "three people who sat here got nailed in the head here earlier." Mom then asked, "but their was food was alright, right?" Just then my mom's phone rings and he says, "just move, and outside with the phone." She rolls her eyes, "if I sit here one more second I might just be outside."

Luke leaves us fed up shaking his head and mom says, "order me coffee." Rory nods, "will do." Once she's left Jess walks past and hands me an open umbrella and leaves with a wink. I shake my head with a smile and Luke yells, "you are real funny. You and Tom should put on an act together. I would keep that up." Just then something falls on top of the umbrella and I pull Rory in. Mom then comes back and says with a huff, "I'm going to a spa with my mother." We both smile in sympathy and pull her under the umbrella as more of the ceiling falls on us.

It's the day mom's going to the spa and Rory's helping her pack as I watch TV. I hear a car honk out the front and mom and Rory run down the stairs, "since when did grandma honk?" They shrug and we go outside and my jaw drops as I see my grandma standing in front of a limo. She sees us and waves, "Hello, hello, hello." Mom asks, "are we going to the prom?" "I just thought since this weekend is all about relaxing, we should start with the ride." Rory says, "this is cool Grandma." She nods, "thank you Rory. Are we all ready to go?" Mom hands the driver her bag and says, "I guess so, Miss Daisy. Bye, sweets." She gives us both a hug and kiss, "bye mom. Bye Grandma." "Goodbye, girls." Mom the whispers, "bikers and lowlifes." I smirk, "On speed dial." She sends me a wink, "you are so my daughter, Rory learn."

(Outfit above.) I was walking with Jess from school to Luke's and he says, "I hear your mom is out of town for the weekend." I nod, "yep, or ten minutes depends how long she can survive alone with Grandma. Why?" He shrugs, "oh nothing just, thought we could do something." I nod, "sounds good, I mean my sister wanted to pull a hermit night so I was gonna be in my room all night. What did you have in mind." He shrugs, "stuff." I scoff, "such a way with words Kelly." He shrugs, "I'll think of something then pick you up."

We walk into Luke's and as I sit on a stall he goes behind the counter and comes back with pink lemonade, "you know you're the only one that drinks this stuff? There's like ten bottles back there all for you." I shrug, "Luke just loves me he's wrapped around my little finger." Luke clears his throat, "am I now?" I nod, "don't try and deny it." Jess shrugs, "she's not wrong Uncle Luke." He shakes his head and walks off and we head up to the apartment to chill before I head home.

When I get home I see Paris on the couch, "hi?" She looks up, "Rory's helping me study, I didn't break in. She went to change." I nod slowly, "okay? Just tell her I've gone to my room." She nods and turns back to some flashcards as I go to my room. After about an hour I hear Jess' voice yell, "Tori!" I smile and run down to see him in the kitchen with a box full of food and an angry looking Rory, "you took your time Kelly." He shrugs, "had a food parcel to make." I kiss his cheek, "how very sweet."

Rory clears her throat, "he has to go." I frown, "why? You have a guest." Rory shakes her head, "and she's leaving, he needs to go." I scoff, "Jess brought the food over he can eat it. Jess sit." He goes to sit and the Rory cuts in, "no Jess leave." He sits and puts his hands up, "what can I say Tori looks more scary when angered." Paris then storms in, "I can't find my flash cards." I then say, "this is Paris the one Rory was studying with." Paris then says, "I was just leaving. If you find my flash cards call me, okay?" Rory then says, "no, stay for dinner." Paris frowns, "but I thought--" Rory cuts her off, "we have a ton of food, we can go over the notes later." Paris asks, "your sure?"

I sigh, "just eat Paris." She smiles and asks, "is that Mac and Cheese?" Rory nods, "sure is." Paris soon goes off to call and ask if she can say and I sit next to Jess, "why'd you invite her?" Rory shrugs, "I was just being nice." I roll my eyes, "whatever, Jess pass the food." He hands me a container and we dig in. By now we have eaten most of it and Paris and Jess are now in a book debate. "Tragic waste of paper." Jess scoffs, "I can't believe you just said that." Paris then adds on, "the Beats' writing was completely self-indulgent. One word for Jack Kerouac-- edit." I pipe in, "have you read me this one." Jess nods, "yeah, you fell asleep." Paris smiles in triumph, "point proven." Jess shakes his head, "No way, she'd just finished work doesn't count. Right Tori?" I sigh, "I can't remember enough to back you up here Kelly."

He gives up and says, "it was not self-indulgent. The Beat's believed in shocking people, stirring things up." Paris simplifies that, "they believed in drugs, booze, and petty crime." I pipe back in, "sounds interesting enough to read to me." Rory nods, "Paris I guess you could say they exposed you to a world you wouldn't of overwise known. That is what great writing is all about." Paris shakes her head, "that was not great writing. That was the national enquirer of the 50s." After a long debate I think Jess and Paris ended up getting along.

The phone rang and as Rory went to answer it I smirk towards Paris, "You like hot sauce?" She looks between us, "should I?" Jess hands her the bottle, "I think it's wise." Paris tries it and nods, "this is good. So you two dating?" I shake my head, "well I haven't had the question yet so I would go with no." He sighs, "yeah but we're seeing each other, just nothing official." Paris nods slowly, "right."

As Rory had gotten back I was laying on Jess' shoulder as they got back into books, "I can't get in to poetry, it like, 'jeez, just say it already. We're dying here'" Rory comes back in and says, "I just noticed the time, and it's getting really late." I grab Jess' watch and then say the time, "it's 7:00." Rory nods, "I know but we have some more studying to do. Jess, please thank Luke for me." She hands him his jacket and tries to push him out the door as I follow and Jess asks, "who was that on the phone?" "No one." I scoff, "no one wouldn't be heading over right now would he. This is unbelievable, Jess is here for me not you, so he can stay." Rory shakes her head, "no he can't."

Paris then asks, "what's going on?" Jess then explains, "Dean's on his way here and Rory doesn't want him to find me here." Paris looks confused, "Why?" I nod, "yeah why Rory? Why would Dean care? Unless it's about something I don't know." Rory sighs, "you both know why. Now please Jess." I grab his hand, "fine we'll go." Rory shakes her head, "I meant Jess you don't have to--" I cut her off, "I would rather hang with Jess then you right now."

As we leave we see a mad looking Dean and Rory says, "hey, Jess was just bring me food from Luke's" Jess corrects her, "I was bringing Tor food she happens to leave in the house. I see you brought something too. Is that Ice cream? Big enough for just the two of you, how cute?" I roll my eyes, "yes it's adorable, come on Kelly." I drag him away and he gives Dean a salute and smirk.

I was taking the morning shift at Luke's and as I leave the kitchen I see Rory and Jess talking, "hey sissy, hey Kelly" He turns around and gives me a kiss on the cheek, "finally coming out of your hidey whole?" He whack his arm, "shut it, so Ror plans for the day?" She nods, "Dean all day speaking of I have to meet up with him. Bye." Once she had left Jess says, "we were only talking books." I nod, "I know, I'm not that jealous. I should get back before Caesar burns the place down." He nods as I go back into the kitchen.

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