part 2

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"I'm bloody freezing" Ant complained as they cruised through the ocean.

"You might want to put your T-shirt back on" Dec suggested,glancing back at Andys body "no wonder you're cold,you're in nothing but shorts and flip flops.

"I don't think I can" Ant frowned "we don't really want to see him do we?"

"Definitely not" Dec sighed "poor guy"

"I guess we could look through his stuff" Ant replied cautiously.

"Isn't that disrespectful?" Dec frowned.

"I don't know" Ant shook his head doubtfully.

"Well,I'm sure he wouldn't want you to freeze out here" Dec pondered.

"Yeah" Ant agreed "have a look through his bag will ya?might be something useful in there"

"This doesn't feel right" Dec whispered,as he rummaged through Andys belongings.

"I know Decs" Ant sighed "but we really don't have any choice"

"There's a jacket in here" Dec announced.

"Really?" Ant asked,overcome by a moment of excitement.

"Yeah" Dec nodded,while handing the grey item of clothing to Ant "put it on"

Ant took the jacket from Dec and stared at it for a moment.

"I don't think I can" Ant said sadly "it won't feel right wearing a dead mans clothes,especially as he's only recently deceased and still here in the boat with us"

"You're just gonna shiver until God knows when then?" Dec frowned.

"Well" Ant replied "go and put his jacket over him and bring my T-shirt back will you?that's better than nothing"

"Do I have to?" Dec grimaced.

"What?" Ant asked surprised "what do you mean?"

"Well" Dec continued "I'm already a bit freaked out by the fact I'm in a boat with a dead body,I really don't want to see his face"

"Oh for goodness sake Declan" Ant snapped "just go and do it will you?you don't actually have to look at him,just quickly whip my shirt away,then throw his jacket on top"

"I...I can't Ant" Dec stuttered.

"Ok" Ant sighed "you take the wheel for a minute then and I'll do it"

Ant and Dec quickly swapped seats and Ant did the undesirable task of retrieving his black T-shirt.

"Still bloody cold" he moaned,as he returned to the passenger seat.

"Well" Dec smiled "you didn't really think that one flimsy garment would make a lot of difference did you?"

"Guess not" Ant sighed.

"There's some other stuff in that bag" Dec informed him.

"Oh yeah?" Ant answered hopefully "like what?"

"Some snacks and stuff" Dec replied.

Ant quickly took the bag and started looking through it.

"Not that much there isn't" he frowned,as he pulled out a couple of apples,a family sized bag of crisps and a single bar of chocolate.

"Still better than nothing" Dec shrugged.

"True" Ant nodded "we'd better ration it,as we don't know how long it will be before we get rescued"

"You really think we could be out here for a long time?" Dec asked sadly.

"Probably not" Ant assured Dec "but best to be prepared for every eventuality"

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