part 11

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Ant and Dec were both fuming...really fuming.

Dec had taken himself off to the shelter with Piccolo in tow,ready to unknowingly lend an ear to Decs grumbling about his best friend...or ex best friend.

What exactly had he done wrong?Dec had no idea,he had just been bantering with Ant,the same as he had every single day since they'd known each other,so how had it ended up in such a brutal fist fight this time?

Ant was a moody bastard,Dec decided,that was the only excuse for it!Not that there was any excuse,Ant pushing,shoving and hitting him was totally unforgivable as far as was concerned.

He winced as he touched his bruised face delicately,wishing the pain would pass,both physically and emotionally.

Meanwhile,Ant was going through similar emotions as he sat on the sand,throwing pebbles out into the ocean.

Dec always goes too far,he thought to himself,why doesn't he get it?there's a time and place for banter and this obviously hadn't been it.

Ant loved Dec,he really did,but he didn't think this was something they could ever get over,they'd never come to blows like this before,no matter what the situation.

There was simply no coming back from it and they'd both just have to accept that fact.

Ant was still too angry about the whole situation to think rationally about how they might be able to sort it out and was annoyed that Dec got to use the shelter,why the hell shouldn't he be able to use it too?

Although what it came down to,was that he didn't actually want to use it,he really didn't want to be around Dec right now anyway and Ant knew how stubborn Dec was,no way would he give up the little hut for Ant to use.

So Ant decided to finally get on with the building the fire that they should have made days ago.

He seriously thought about making his own little home further down the beach,but there weren't anymore clearings in sight,not that he knew of anyway and he certainly didn't have the energy to go looking right now.

The problem was,the matches were in the bag and the bag was in the shelter...with Dec,the last person he wanted to see,talk to or even acknowledge right now.

So he put it off for as long as possible,until after he'd searched for some wood and tinder to build the fire with.

Eventually he couldn't wait any longer and decided to go straight in and out of the shelter in the quickest time possible without speaking or even making eye contact with Dec.

He couldn't help glancing at Dec as he did so though,who didn't even look up from stroking Piccolo who was laying comfortably by his side,enjoying the attention.

Ant grabbed the bag in lightning speed,without saying a word and just a few seconds later was setting about building the fire.

Thankfully the matches had somehow managed to stay dry from the storm,which Ant was incredibly grateful for and he soon had the tinder smouldering.

As nightfall came and the temperature dropped considerably,Ant was very grateful for the heat emanating from the fire,but was starting to wonder if he should ask Dec to join him.

Ant knew how much Dec felt the cold,much more than he did,but Ant wasn't ready to let his anger go,not yet anyway.

Dec obviously knew what Ant had been doing,he would have been able to hear Ant working,smell the fire once it was lit and hear it crackling.

No,Ant thought to himself,if Dec wanted to come and sit by the fire,then he wouldn't stop him,but Ant certainly wasn't going to go out of his way to invite him.

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