part 14

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Dec started to regain his strength over the next couple of days,much to Ants relief.

His temperature returned to normal and appetite increased,although in typical Dec fashion,he milked his illness for all it was worth and got Ant to wait on him hand and foot.

"ANT" he yelled out,from the relative comfort of the shelter.

"YEAH?" Ant shouted back as he poked the fire with a stick.


Ant made his way over to Dec "fancy some mango?"

"Not really" Dec frowned "aren't you gonna go fishing?"

"I can do" Ant smiled warmly.

He hadn't let Dec have any fish yet,thought it might not be such a good idea after he'd been so ill,he didn't actually know if it would be bad for him or not,but he didn't want to risk it.

Although Dec seemed to be making a speedy recovery now,so maybe he could try a little bit,Ant did keep raving about how good the fish was after all.

"Ok,I'll go fishing" Ant smiled "wanna come and watch?"

"Ok" Dec beamed.

Ant helped Dec to his feet "no taking the piss this time ok?"

"Wouldn't dare" Dec winked "let's not go down that road again"

"I've actually got pretty good at it now anyway" Ant grinned.

Ant carried the blanket to the beach and laid it on the sand for Dec to sit on.

"Thanks" Dec smiled.

He couldn't help giggling at the amount of times Ant missed the fish with his homemade spear,but Dec definitely knew better than to comment on it this time and in reality,it wasn't too long before a couple of fish were ready to be gutted and cooked.

"How is it?" Ant asked,as Dec took a mouthful.

"Really good" Dec replied "thanks Ant"

"You're welcome" Ant grinned.

Ant continued to watch Dec as he ate.

"What?" Dec snapped "why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh,no reason" Ant smiled "I'm just glad you're ok,I was terrified I was going to lose you"

"Well,I'm glad I was too out of it to know what was going on then" Dec smiled.

"It was awful seeing you like that" Ant stated sadly "I had no idea what to do"

Dec nudged Ant with his elbow.

"Hey" he smiled "I'm fine now,just forget about it"

"I'll try" Ant nodded "but first I need to tell you something"

"What?" Dec asked curiously,as he chewed on his last piece of fish.

"Please don't be angry Decs" Ant sighed "but I...I tried to end it"

"What?" Dec asked shocked "what do you mean?"

"Just that really" Ant shrugged "I was in a terrible way,you were desperately ill and I thought it might have been my fault...I thought you were gonna die...I just couldn't live with I tried to end it"

"You tried to kill yourself?" Dec whispered in an almost inaudible voice.

Ant nodded sadly.

"How?" Dec asked.

"Tried to drown myself" Ant stated.

"What?" Dec let out an incredulous laugh "is that even possible?"

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