part 23

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"DEC STOP" Ant shouted out suddenly as Dec was about to shove Ants head under the water again for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"What?" Dec asked surprised.

"THE BOAT" Ant called out as he started swimming frantically towards it as it drifted away.

"Shit" Dec exclaimed as he started to follow Ant,but Ant was a much stronger swimmer,so he was already pretty far ahead.

"I'LL COME BACK FOR YOU DECS" Ant yelled,as the distance between the two friends became even wider.

Ant swam on as fast as he could possibly manage,battling the waves that were against him,until he finally caught up with the stray boat.

"Thank God for that" he muttered to himself and climbed into the boat exhausted.

He sat there for a few moments,trying to catch his breath.

"Declan" he suddenly announced to himself.

He started pedalling furiously back towards the area he'd just swam from,but all he could see was ocean.

Where was Dec?

Ant looked around desperately,just trying to find a clue as to Decs whereabouts...the top of his head,a small ripple in the water,anything to help Ant find him before it was too late.

"DECLAN" he shouted repeatedly.


Without even realising,tears were now streaming down Ants face as he searched and searched.

"Where are you?" He repeated.

Then he saw it.

A small head bobbing above the water in the distance,then disappearing for worryingly long periods.

"Dec" Ant muttered and started pedalling frantically towards him.

By the time Ant reached Dec,he had disappeared from the surface yet again.

"Come on mate" Ant said as he looked around desperately "where are you?"

There was no sign of Dec anywhere.

By now,he had been under water for way too long,even if Ant did find him,he wasn't even sure if he'd be alive.

There was only one thing for it,Ant stripped off his clothes,until he was in nothing but his underpants and dived into the sea,going as deep as he could possibly manage,although the salt water stung his eyes and it was very difficult to see much of anything.

He looked around desperately for any sign of Dec and for a terrifying few moments,he saw nothing,not anything he wanted to see anyway,just the occasional sea creature and the like,but no Dec.

But then Ant noticed something.

A dark shadow a few metres away,sinking lower and lower.

'Dec' he thought to himself and swam back to the surface and taking a deep breath,before making his way over to where he had seen the shadow.

"DEC,DEC" he shouted out,in a futile attempt to get Dec to hear him,while looking around constantly for any sign of his friend.

"Ok" Ant muttered to himself "I'm coming"

He dived back down into the water as far as he could manage,searching frantically in the murky depths.

Then he saw it.

Decs lifeless body up ahead,still sinking.

Ant swam over,trying desperately to not have to go up to the surface for another breath just yet,he knew if he did that,he would more than likely lose sight of Dec again,probably for good this time.

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