part 7

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"It's what?" Dec asked in disbelief.

"It's vomit fruit" Ant repeated.

Dec took a closer look at the tree in front of him.

"Oh God" he sighed "it is isn't it?"

"Yep" Ant nodded.

"So what do we do now?" Dec frowned "keep looking for other trees?"

"Not sure we should do that" Ant replied "not today anyway"

"What then?" Dec enquired.

"We need to take some of this back with us" Ant stated.

"But Ant" Dec protested "it's hideous,there's a reason why it's called vomit fruit,how many times have we watched celebs retch their way through eating one?"

"I know all that" Ant sighed "but we don't really have much choice,would you rather starve to death?"

"Seems preferable at the moment" Dec moaned.

"Come on Decs" Ant laughed "we'll get used to the taste,help us pick some"

"What are we gonna carry them in?" Dec asked,as he gazed up at the tree "and more to the point,how are we gonna get them down?"

"Should have brought the bag or something with us" Ant frowned.

"I know" Dec smiled as he removed his red,black and white checked shirt "let's carry them in this"

"Good thinking Declan" Ant grinned,as thoughts whirled around his mind about how to actually reach the fruit.

"Oh" he grinned "I'll give you a leg up,then you should be able to get to them,they're not that high up"

"Ok" Dec agreed as Ant immediately cupped his hands together for Dec to place a foot in.

Ant soon had doubts about the idea as Decs feet wobbled in his hands as Ant was faced with Decs crotch directly in front of him.

"Maybe you should get on my shoulders?" Ant winced under Decs weight.

He may be little,but Dec certainly weighed enough at that precise moment.

So,Dec made a careful ascent up to Ants shoulders,where he could then reach the fruit quite comfortably.

"Better not pick too many" Ant said,as he held onto Decs legs securely.

"Why not?" Dec frowned.

"Cos I can't imagine we'll be able to stomach eating too many of them at once" Ant stated "and they'll just go off"

"Fair point" Dec nodded.

"Anyway" Ant smiled "we can always come back for more"

"Will you remember the way?" Dec asked curiously.

"Yeah,I think so" Ant replied "I think we're going to get to know our little island very well"

After Dec had thrown a substantial amount of fruit towards the ground,he climbed down from Ants shoulders and scooped up the shirt and wrapped it around the fruit so they wouldn't drop any on the journey back.

"When are we going to eat one?" Dec asked nervously as Ant tipped the contents of their haul out onto the sand and passed Decs shirt back to him.

"No time like the present" Ant replied.

"How are we going to open it?" Dec asked.

"Dunno" Ant frowned "the shell doesn't seem to be too hard,we could just smash it on a stone or something"

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