part 9

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"Oh yeah" Dec nodded "it is isn't it?"

"Yep" Ant confirmed "today should be the start of I'm a celebrity...get me out of here"

"Well,we certainly got ourselves out of there didn't we?" Dec sighed.

"Yeah" Ant laughed sarcastically "not through any fault of our own though"

"Maybe they're going ahead with it with different presenters?" Dec said sadly.

"Declan" Ant snapped "don't be so bloody ridiculous,it's our show,as if they would do that"

"You never know" Dec shrugged.

"I do know actually" Ant retorted "we've only been missing for a few days,they don't know if we're dead or alive,how disrespectful would it be for them to replace us already?"

"Yeah,I guess you're right" Dec sighed.

"Of course I am" Ant replied "we're ITVs golden boys remember?"

"Yeah" Dec smiled "we are"

"They won't forget about us kidda" Ant smiled "don't you worry about that"

"Good" Dec replied "wonder when we'll get rescued?"

"Soon,I hope" Ant sighed "but until then,we'll have to just take each day as it comes"

"Yeah" Dec agreed.

"We still haven't built a fire" Ant pointed out.

"Probably just as well" Dec shrugged "the storm would have blown it out anyway"

" we know where the matches are?" Ant asked hopefully.

"Yeah" Dec smiled "I found the bag wedged in between two trees over there"

"That's something at least" Ant nodded "so we've still got the matches in there?"

"Yeah" Dec nodded "but I wouldn't be surprised if they're soaked through"

"I'll check later" Ant replied "what else was in the bag?"

"First aid kit" Dec informed him "torch,our phones...batteries are dead though and the scrabble"

"Ah yes" Ant laughed "definitely can't do without that"

"Yeah,can't wait to thrash ya" Dec grinned.

"Well,that will just have to wait" Ant laughed "we need to find more food,shame we didn't put the bubbly fruit in the bag"

"Sorry,not sorry" Dec winked.

"Alright Decs" Ant laughed "I know you hate it,I do too,maybe we'll stumble across some different kind of fruit today"

"Oh please God" Dec placed his hands together in prayer.

"We need to go hunting at some point" Ant announced.

"Hunting?" Dec asked nervously,uncomfortable at the thought of having to kill anything.

"Yeah,ya know?" Ant continued "as well as looking for fruit,we need to hunt for a source of water and something we can make a fire with,anything useful"

"Oh ok" Dec replied relieved "yes,let's do that"

"And I'm gonna make a spear" Ant announced proudly.

"A spear?" Dec laughed "how?and for what?"

"To spear fish of course" Ant smiled "how do you think we're gonna catch them?just scoop them up with our bare hands?"

"Scoop them up into our shirts?" Dec asked hopefully.

"Yeah,right" Ant laughed "the slippery little buggers are a lot quicker than that,I'd have fun watching you try though"

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