part 22

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"Which direction?" Dec asked as he started pedalling furiously.

"Straight ahead I guess" Ant replied "and slow down will ya?we need to pace ourselves,slow and steady"

"Oops,sorry" Dec grinned.

They set out to sea,glancing back occasionally at the island that had become their home over the last few weeks...or months...however long they had been it got smaller and smaller,until it was totally out of sight.

"Goodbye shitty island" Dec said.

"All things considered" Ant replied "it was actually a very good island,kept us alive didn't it?"

"I guess so" Dec shrugged "why didn't we ever give it a name?"

"Dunno" Ant mused "I guess you called it shitty island so often,that we didn't need to call it anything else"

"Fair point" Dec laughed.

They carried on pedalling for what seemed like hours,so decided to take a break for something to eat and to give their legs a rest.

"Can't wait to eat something other than fruit and fish" Dec stated as they set off again.

"Me too" Ant laughed "I'm never eating fish again,unless it's covered in batter and got a huge pile of fat chips next to it"

"And mushy peas" Dec quipped.

"Yeah and mushy peas" Ant nodded.

"Can't bloody wait" Dec grinned "gonna stuff my face as soon as I get home"

"Yeah,cos that won't make you at all ill will it?" Ant rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"Well,no harm fantasising about it" Dec smiled.

"Go on then" Ant replied "what else do you want?"

"Cheese on toast" Dec replied "marmite sandwiches,sausage and mash with loads of gravy,a roast dinner,shepherds pie,macaroni cheese,spaghetti bolognese,a big mac,a full English breakfast,pizza,Chinese,a curry,steak..."

"Alright stop" Ant interrupted "stop torturing me,you're making me bloody hungry"

"Sounds great though doesn't it?" Dec grinned.

"Yeah it does" Ant agreed "and all your usual healthy food choices too"

"Well,I might chuck in the odd carrot for good measure" Dec giggled.

"Idiot" Ant laughed.

"Well,what are you looking forward to eating most then?" Dec enquired "there must be something?"

Ant thought for a moment.

"A Greggs sausage roll" he announced proudly.

"Oh my God,yeah" Dec laughed "good shout,how did I forget about those?"

"Cos you were too busy filling your head with thoughts of steak,pizza and the like" Ant pointed out.

"Ah well" Dec smiled "was fun for a minute"

"You know in reality Dec" Ant stated "they're probably only going to allow us a few sips of some disgusting protein shake every hour or something"

"Who's they?" Dec queried.

"Doctors" Ant shrugged "we'll need to be checked over I guess"

"Well,that would be mean" Dec frowned.

"That would be sensible" Ant replied "you know to build us up gradually and make sure we don't get sick,like I did with you when you...when"

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