part 4

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"What do you mean it won't start?" Dec shouted,now beginning to panic.

"Exactly that" Ant replied "it won't start"

"Try again" Dec demanded.

"Dec,I've tried so many times already" Ant sighed "you've been sat next to me while I did it"

Ant tried to get the engine going one more time,just to shut Dec up.

"See?" Ant threw his hands up into the air in desperation "nothing"

"What's wrong with it?" Dec asked.

"How the hell do I know?" Ant snapped "I'm not a bloody sailor,I don't know a thing about boats"

"Petrol?" Dec announced suddenly "or diesel or whatever they use on boats,maybe it's run out?"

"Well,we definitely won't be going anywhere then will we?" Ant shrugged.

"No,listen" Dec smiled "don't they carry a spare can,like some people do in their cars?"

"Maybe" Ant nodded "guess we'd better get looking then"

Ant and Dec began their search of the boat and it wasn't long before Dec spied a can in one of the underseat storage boxes.

"Here" Dec shouted out gleefully "I've found some"

"Ok,pass it to us then" Ant replied.

Decs heart soon sank faster than a lead balloon as he picked up the can and gave it a shake.

"It's empty" he announced despondently.

"There might be another one somewhere" Ant said hopefully "keep looking"

The boys carried on looking,but their search proved to be futile,there was no spare fuel.

Dec slumped down onto the seat and held his head in his hands,sobbing uncontrollably.

"What kind of skipper was he?" He cried desperately "no radio,no fuel,bloody useless"

"Declan" Ant whispered "you shouldn't talk ill of the dead"

"Well,I'd kick him if he wasn't already dead" Dec announced,as he wiped his tear stained face with his hand.

"If he wasn't already dead..." Ant pointed out "we wouldn't be in this predicament would we?"

"So what do we do now?" Dec sighed,after he'd regained his composure.

"I think we need to search every inch of the boat to see what might be useful to us and take it back to the beach" Ant replied.

"Ok" Dec nodded "but can I search the front and you search the back?"

He looked at Ant sheepishly.

"Yeah,of course" Ant smiled.

He knew how much Dec was struggling with being in the presence of a dead body,Ant was too,but he still vowed to do everything in his power to make the situation a little bit easier for Dec if he possibly could.

"So what have we got?" Ant beamed as they peered at the little pile of treasure that they had placed on the pilots seat.

"Well" Dec replied "as well as the flares,there's life jackets,a blanket and..."

"Wish we'd found that last night" Ant cut in "instead of freezing our arses off"

"Yeah" Dec nodded in agreement "there's also a box of matches,but there's only a few left"

"Oh brilliant" Ant exclaimed "we'll need those"

"Will we?" Dec asked confused.

"Yeah,of course" Ant smiled "if we need to start a fire"

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