part 27

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After hanging up the phone,Ali quickly realised that she didn't even know where Ant and Dec were,which hospital they were in,or even which part of Australia,they could be anywhere.

She had been so shocked to find out they were alive and to actually hear their voices,that it hadn't crossed her mind to ask,it obviously hadn't crossed Ant and Decs minds to tell her either.

But that soon changed as Ant was coming to the same realisation.

"Shit" he muttered.

"What?" Dec sniffed,still busy trying to control his tears.

"I didn't tell Ali where we are" Ant stated "I'd better call her back...or do you want to?"

"Can you do it please?" Dec begged "I want to be more composed next time I speak to her"

"Of course" Ant nodded with understanding.

It took a while for Ant to get through to Ali again as the line was constantly busy,she was obviously calling everyone with the amazing news,but finally she picked up and Ant shared the details of where they were.

"Tell Dec I've spoken to his mum" she informed him.

"How is she?" Ant asked concerned.

"In pieces" Ali replied "all over the place,I couldn't really get much sense out of her,was hard to understand what she was saying through the sobbing,but she's going to be coming out to Australia too,I got that much,I was just about to call your mother...or do you want to do that?"

"No" Ant replied "you do it,as much as I want to hear her voice,it's just too hard right now,please tell her I'll call her later"

Ali totally understood where Ant was coming from and was happy to make the necessary phone calls,she spoke briefly to Dec again,which inevitably ended up with both of them crying uncontrollably,so they said their goodbyes,leaving Ali free to make plans to get out to Australia as soon as possible.

"I don't know what's wrong with us?" Dec frowned "why can't we talk to the people we love and have missed the most?"

"You just answered your own question" Ant replied gently "it's because we love them the most that it's so hard and emotional"

"I guess" Dec nodded in agreement "I'm absolutely shattered"

"Me too" Ant confirmed "maybe we should get a couple of hours kip,then we'll be more with it"

"Good idea" Dec agreed.

So the boys had a nap,but it was surprisingly restless.

"This bed is just too damn soft" Dec yawned,a few minutes after waking up "I couldn't get comfortable"

"Me neither" Ant frowned "I don't think it's the bed that's the problem though"

"It isn't?" Dec asked surprised.

"No" Ant replied "it's probably because we've been sleeping on a rock hard ground for three months,sleeping in a normal bed again is just going to take some getting used to"

"Makes sense" Dec nodded.

At that moment,a nurse came into the room to take some bloods,temperature and blood pressure.

"All looking good boys?" came a friendly voice just as she finished her task and left the room.

"Hi Bob" Ant and Dec chimed in unison at the caring medic who had got them safely to the hospital.

"I've just finished my shift" he informed them "so thought I would stop by to see how you are both doing?"

"We're doing ok thanks?" Dec smiled "thanks to you"

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