part 29

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And so,here is the final chapter,it's a bit shorter than my usual chapters,but I didn't want to drag it out unnecessarily just for the sake of it.

Many thanks once again to everyone who has read,voted and commented,I hope you enjoyed it?

A special thanks and well done to @AnDrmyOTP (and anyone else)for finding(most)of the 'Friends' references throughout this story,it was fun,you were a worthy opponent indeed and I hope you had as much fun as I did?

Please enjoy the final chapter!

Ant and Dec just stared at the doctor,with tears already forming in their eyes before they'd even laid eyes on their loved ones.

Immediately after he'd left the room,Ali cautiously entered it and raised her hand to her mouth as soon as she saw Dec.

"Oh my God" she managed to mumble through her sobs,as Dec got up from the bed and fell into her arms,neither of them speaking,they were actually incapable of doing so in their emotional state.

A similar scene was being played out between Ant and Anne-Marie,the only sounds that filled the air were the emotional cries of relief.

Dec and Ali held onto each other for what seemed like the longest time,collapsing back onto the bed,their legs now too weak to support them,until they finally opened their eyes and stared at each other,almost in disbelief.

"Dec" Ali whispered as she cupped his cheeks with her hands "it's really you?you're really here?"

"It's really me" Dec sobbed.

"I thought I'd never see you again" Ali replied "I thought you were gone forever"

She covered Decs face with a shower of small kisses,smothering every little bit of skin she could reach with her loving lips.

"Me too" Dec replied quietly,enjoying the loving touch of the woman he'd missed so much.

"It's going to be ok now" Ali sighed as she ran her fingers through his hair "you're coming home"

Dec nodded through his tears before falling into Ali's arms once again.

Ant and Anne-Marie were sharing a similar,but still different moment as they clung onto each other without a single word being said,they were in their own little world and Dec glanced over to them and smiled sweetly before noticing who was behind Ali.

"Mam" he cried "Isla"

Anne had been waiting patiently as Dec and Ali were reunited,while holding her granddaughter in her arms,now it was her time with her son.

Dec attempted to throw his arms around them,but Isla immediately recoiled and started screaming.

"Isla?sweetheart,what is it?" Dec asked shocked at his beloved daughters reaction "come and give your daddy a cuddle,I've missed you so much"

Anne attempted to pass the child to Dec again,but Isla was having none of it and made her feelings on the subject perfectly clear,now screaming even louder whenever Dec approached her.

"She's forgotten me" Dec announced sadly,with anguished tears in his eyes.

"She'll come round" Ali assured him,as she took the child out of Anne's arms so she could hug her son "just give her time"

Dec nodded sadly.

Of course this was a normal reaction from a young child to someone she hadn't seen for months,even if it was her own father,but it still broke Decs heart.

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