part 26

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As the ship pulled into the port,Ant and Dec began to feel surprisingly nervous.

They had no idea how this would go?what if someone had contacted the press?They knew they'd have to face them eventually,but they definitely weren't ready for that just yet.

A knock on the cabin door,startled them out of their individual thoughts.

"Bernie sent me to come and get you" Daniel smiled "you ready boys?"

"As ready as we'll ever be" Ant replied.

"There's two ambulances waiting to take you to hospital" Daniel informed them.

"What?" Ant asked surprised "we don't need ambulances,that's ridiculous"

"Yeah" Daniel smiled "don't think you can do anything about that I'm afraid,just remember what Bernie said...cooperate and the sooner it will be over with and you can be on your merry way"

"Ok" Ant sighed.

Ant and Dec felt strangely overwhelmed as they disembarked from the ship,just the sheer size of the port and the amount of people milling around was weird to them after having been stuck on the island for weeks.

Bernie took over from Daniel and escorted them to the waiting ambulances.

"Well lads" he smiled and held out his hand for them to shake "you two take good care of yourselves ok?and hopefully you won't get yourselves into anymore crazy situations like this"

"Hope not" Dec smiled "and thanks for everything Bernie,you're a lifesaver...literally"

"All in a days work" Bernie laughed,before making his way back to the ship,leaving Ant and Dec in the capable hands of the paramedics.

"We really didn't need an ambulance" Ant frowned "let alone one each"

"I'll be the judge of that shall I?" The paramedic smiled "I'm Bob"

"Medic Bob" Dec giggled at the coincidental name the paramedic shared with the I'm a celebrity medic.

"Ok" Bob stated,nodding at Dec "you're going in that ambulance and you,Mr...?"

"McPartlin" Ant  smiled "but please call me Ant"

"Ok,Ant" Bob smiled "you're going in this one with me"

Another paramedic climbed out of the back of the first ambulance to introduce himself.

"Hi" he smiled cheerfully "I'm Gareth,sounds like you guys have had quite a time of it?you ready to get checked out?"

"Yeah" Ant nodded,but Dec stayed silent.

"And how about you sir?" Gareth enquired "you ready?your chariot awaits"

Ant knew something was going on in Decs head,something was bothering him,but what?

"What is it kidda?" Ant encouraged gently.

"Oh,nothing" Dec sighed "I'm being silly,just ignore me"

"Well,then we would be pretty crap at our jobs if we did that wouldn't we?" Bob smiled "if you're worried about something,then please tell us,we might be able to help...are you in pain?"

" pain" Dec quickly assured him "it's know...I feel weird"

"Why?" Ant asked curiously.

"Being separated from you" Dec mumbled quietly,feeling extremely embarrassed.

"What?" Ant asked surprised "what do you mean?Dec,we're going to the same hospital...aren't we?"

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