part 6

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Dec was the first to wake the next morning,he grimaced as he realised that he and Ant were facing each other with probably no more than two inches between their faces.

"Ugh,you've got morning breath Ant" he muttered to himself,as he sat up and stared out to sea.

The only thing that he could then think about was that their second flare obviously hadn't been seen and he had a feeling of deflation like he'd never experienced before.

No smiling faces to greet him,no warm drinks,no boats,no ships,no rescue party.

Although he knew in reality,that they obviously would have been woken if anyone had turned up.

So,he didn't really know why a lone tear made it's way down his cheek,he could only guess that it was the realisation of the enormity of his and Ants situation.

What if they were never rescued?what if this was it for them now?what if this island would be their home for the rest of their lives?

Dec quickly wiped his face before Ant woke up and saw him crying yet again.

He knew he was being ridiculous,after all,they'd only been there for two nights and he was already imagining that they were going to be marooned there forever.

"You're an idiot Declan" he muttered to himself.

"Hmm?" Ant rolled over onto his back,having been awoken from his light sleep by Decs mumbling.

"Morning Anthony" Dec smiled down at his yawning pal.

"Alright Decs" Ant replied,as he pushed himself up onto his elbows "did ya get any sleep?"

"A bit" Dec nodded "how about you?"

"Yeah" Ant replied "not bad considering"

Ant then glanced around the beach from one end to the other.

"Still just us then?" He sighed.

"Unfortunately so" Dec frowned.

"Guess we need to have a more productive day today then?" Ant stated.

"Guess so" Dec replied glumly.

"Decs" Ant smiled "please tell me you're not starting off the day in a mood?"

"No,of course not" Dec lied,quickly realising his usual huffiness wasn't going to get him anywhere "sorry"

"Come on pet" Ant encouraged "let's plan our day"

"Ok" Dec replied,happy that they'd actually have something to do other than than stare out to sea "what shall we do?"

"Well" Ant grinned as he got up from the sand and started to shake and fold the blanket "how about we start with breakfast?"

"Ooh,what's on the menu?" Dec joked "I fancy a full English"

"I'm afraid we've run out of those sir" Ant laughed "can I make another suggestion that may be to sirs satisfaction?"

"Bacon sandwich?" Dec grinned.

"We're totally out of bacon sandwiches too I'm afraid sir" Ant said.

"Which greedy bastards ate all the bacon sandwiches?" Dec asked in pretend horror.

"I believe it may have been the other inhabitants of this beautiful island" Ant replied "they're pretty elusive though,I've never seen them"

"Boiled egg and soldiers then?" Dec smiled,he was happy to keep this silly game going just for something to do.

"I'm afraid not sir" Ant replied "may I tell sir the specials?"

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