part 16

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Ant made sure he took good care of Dec over the next couple of days after his terrifying ordeal with the shark and thankfully,the pain from the jellyfish sting soon began to ease.

"You know what we should do tomorrow?" Ant beamed,as he and Dec tucked into their fish dinners.

"What?" Dec asked curiously.

"Have some fun" Ant grinned.

"How do you propose we do that?" Dec replied,with very little interest.

"There's loads of things we could do" Ant replied confidently "make sandcastles,bury each other in the sand,go swimming,hide and seek,a treasure hunt,school sports day"

"School sports day?" Dec laughed in disbelief.

"Come on Decs" Ant smiled "don't be an old sour puss..and you know what?"

"What?" Dec asked casually.

"We haven't even played scrabble yet" Ant grinned.

"Forgot about that" Dec frowned "do we even know where it is?"

"In the bag" Ant replied "sounds like a fun day eh?"

Ant nudged Dec in the ribs playfully.

"I guess so" Dec smiled,now finding Ants enthusiasm for the idea,rather infectious "ok,let's do it"

"Good" Ant stated "we can call it..."

He paused for a moment,before a huge grin spread across his face "ANT AND DECS DAY...OF...FUN"

"Such an idiot" Dec laughed.

"That's decided then" Ant beamed "but no sulking if you lose at scrabble"

"I do not sulk" Dec retorted sulkily.

"I rest my case" Ant laughed "so tomorrow will be just for fun and relaxation,no fishing or collecting mangoes or water,we have plenty already anyway"

"Ok" Dec sighed "if it'll keep you happy"

"It will" Ant smiled.

The next day,after they'd had their mango breakfast,Ant was raring to go.

"What shall we do first?  He enquired.

"Go for a swim?" Dec shrugged unenthusiasticly.

"Race ya" Ant shouted out as he suddenly shot up and ran towards the sea.

"Hey" Dec shouted back,running to try and catch up with Ant "you big cheater"

"I won" Ant shouted triumphantly as he splashed around in the shallow water.

"Big cheater" Dec scowled "I'll get you"

Dec immediately started kicking water at Ant,drenching his shorts and T shirt.

"Can't catch me" Ant laughed,as he made his way out a little deeper.

"I'm not even going to try after the other day" Dec replied "I'm staying close to the shore"

"Chicken" Ant laughed.

"I am not a chicken" Dec frowned "I was nearly eaten by a shark"

"De de" Ant sang the theme tune from the Jaws film that had terrified both of them so much when they were kids and placed his hand above his head,mimicking a sharks fin.

"Idiot" Dec laughed and quickly approached and pounced on top of an unexpecting Ant,pushing his head under the water.

"Little git" Ant giggled,as he resurfaced,spluttering slightly "I'll get you for that"

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