part 5

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Ant and Dec kept their distance from each other for a while,both respecting that the other may just need a little bit of privacy to be alone with their thoughts.

Ant would glance over at Dec every now and again,just to keep an eye on him.

He noticed that Dec had spent the best part of the last hour,fiddling with leaves.

That was ok though,if that's what Dec wanted to do,there was no harm in it,there wasn't much else for him to do right now anyway.

Ant soon decided that they had been apart for long enough and desperately wanted to go over to check up on Dec,Dec could tell him to get lost if he still wanted to be alone after all.

"Hey" Ant greeted his friend warmly "you ok?"

"Guess so" Dec nodded.

"Brought you some chocolate over" Ant stated as he sat down beside Dec "we've only had half an apple each in the last twenty four hours"

"Funnily enough" Dec replied "I haven't had much of an appetite today"

"Me neither" Ant sighed "but we need to eat something and I think the sugar fix might be just what we need"

Ant opened the small bar of chocolate and passed a piece to Dec.

"You might want to try sucking it to make it last longer" Ant suggested.

Dec did exactly as Ant said and both boys closed their eyes and sucked on the decadent piece of confectionary,appreciating every delicious moment as it melted in their mouths.

"One more piece each" Ant stated "then I think we'd better save the rest"

"That's the best chocolate I ever tasted" Dec smiled.

"That's cos you're famished" Ant informed him "stale bread would probably taste great right now"

"True" Dec smiled.

"You ok now?" Ant asked concerned.

"I will be" Dec nodded and wiped his sweaty brow "it's so bloody hot"

"What's that?" Ant noticed something on Decs wrist.

"Oh nothing much" Dec grinned "just made a bracelet out of leaves,keeps falling off though"

"Here" Ant laughed "I'll tie it on properly for you"

Ant proceeded to carefully secure the delicate leaves that Dec had crafted into a circle around his wrist.

"I've made one for you too" Dec beamed,while holding up the other piece of makeshift jewellery.

"That's cute Decs" Ant laughed "but we're not thirteen year old girls"

"Just humour me" Dec shrugged "they probably won't last more than a day anyway"

"It's very nice Declan" Ant grinned,as he held his wrist up to admire the gift "thank you"

"You're welcome" Dec giggled,then let out a huge sigh.

"Why do you think it's taking them so long to find us?" He questioned "where can we possibly be that it's so difficult for the search party to locate us?"

"No idea" Ant replied as he watched the sun begin to set "but it looks like we are probably going to be here for at least another night"

"Should we let off another flare?" Dec asked.

"Maybe" Ant nodded "but when it gets dark,I assume they can be seen better then"

"Yeah" Dec agreed "hopefully this one will be noticed"

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