part 18

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"You're doing what?" Ant couldn't help laughing in disbelief.

"I'm going on hunger strike" Dec repeated.

"Umm...Dec" Ant smiled "you do know that people usually go on hunger strike to protest against something don't you?"

"Well,I'm protesting against being stuck on this stupid island" Dec replied.

"And who are you protesting to exactly?" Ant queried "I'm the only person here"

Dec shrugged his shoulders and didn't reply.

"You know you're being ridiculous don't you?" Ant said seriously "you're already all skin and bone,you can't just stop eating altogether"

"You watch me" Dec snapped.

"Fine" Ant sighed,hoping this idea of Decs would soon pass,because if it didn't,Dec was in trouble.

Ant was now getting angrier at the thought of what Dec was planning to do to himself.

"You've made your point Dec" Ant stated "now how about I rustle us up a nice meal?"

"I'm serious Ant" Dec retorted "I'm not eating,or drinking,I want off this island,dead or alive"

"Well,it's going to be dead then by the look of it" Ant snapped in frustration.

"So be it" Dec replied bluntly,before closing his eyes and now refusing to move from the shelter.

Ant could feel the rage boiling up inside of him,he didn't want to blow up at Dec,but he couldn't help himself,it was inevitable.

"YOU'RE SO FUCKING SELFISH DECLAN" Ant Bellowed "why is everything always about you?what about me eh?where do I come in?when do I matter?all I've done is try to keep our spirits up ever since we've been here and look after you,but what thanks do I get?"

And stared down at Dec who was still laying on the blanket with his back to Ant.

He waited to see if Dec would retaliate,but he stayed silent,so Ant continued with his rant.

"I get no thanks at all" he continued "you're a selfish little bastard Dec,I've cooked for you,fished for you,nursed you when you were sick,even talked you through how to deal with a shark for fucks sake...for what?for this?for you to just give up and starve yourself to death?"

Ant paused and shook his head despairingly.

"Well,I'm in the same boat am I not?"

"Wish I was in a fucking boat" Dec mumbled.

"Oh,so now you talk?" Ant replied angrily "that's the only bit of what I said that caught your attention?the metaphorical boat?"

Dec ignored him once again.

"Well,maybe I'm sick of this island too" Ant ranted,with angry tears now streaming down his face "maybe I'd like to go home and see my loved ones too,maybe I'm missing all the things that you are but that's not important is it?not to you anyway,as long as I'm doing my job and babysitting a middle aged man child and catering to his every whim,then I don't matter do I?...DO I?"

Dec was pretending not to have heard a single word Ant had come out with, although he obviously had,but he just didn't care at that precise moment,he didn't care about anything,not even Ant,he just wanted to go to sleep and never wake up.

"You starve yourself to death then" Ant said calmly wiping his tear stained face "see what I care,maybe I should start digging your grave right now eh?there's space over there,right next to Andy,I'll go and get started shall I?"

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