part 10

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"Don't say that" Ant frowned,as he nervously glanced around the beach.

"I swear Ant" Dec fretted "something or someone was watching us,I felt it"

"Don't be ridiculous Dec" Ant laughed,now deciding to take a lighthearted attitude to this information,basically so he didn't scare the shit out of himself "no one is watching us,we're the only people here"

"Well,it might not be people" Dec frowned "might be some kind of vicious animal"

"Think there are lions wandering around the island do you?" Ant teased.

"You never know" Dec shrugged.

"I do know actually" Ant assured him "this isn't Africa you know,it's a little island somewhere off the coast of Oz"

"Maybe it is a person then" Dec looked over to his right once again "or more than one person,it could be an unknown tribe,oh God,what if they're cannibals?what if they eat us?"

"Declan" Ant laughed "you're getting delirious,there's no one on this island except us"

"You don't know that for sure" Dec stated.

"Just relax will ya?" Ant advised "it's just the lack of food and water as well as the sun going to your head"

"No,it's not" Dec snapped "I've had mangoes and water,so stop making excuses,there was something there...I know it"

"Ok" Ant nodded "well,whatever you think you saw...or sensed,it isn't there now,so just forget about it ok?"

"THERE" Dec suddenly shouted out and pointed to something scurrying across the sand "I told you"

"What the hell is that?" Ant asked curiously,getting to his feet so he could go over and explore.

"Don't get too close" Dec advised "you don't know what it might do,it might attack"

"Declan" Ant laughed "look at the size of it,it's tiny,it's not gonna hurt us"

"Still got sharp teeth I bet" Dec mumbled,as he followed Ant over towards a bush,where the animal was now hiding.

"Hi there little fella" Ant whispered gently to his surprise guest,kneeling down to take a closer look.

"Hi" Dec giggled.

"Shut up" Ant laughed "I wasn't talking to you"

Ant and Dec peered down at the small animal looking nervously up at them.

"Don't be scared" Ant smiled "we won't hurt you,have you been watching us?making our Declan here go into a panic?you scary little beast"

"Yeah alright" Dec replied,as he gazed down at the cat sized animal "I wasn't to know"

"Thought you were gonna eat him,he did" Ant grinned,as he held a hand out gently for the creature to take a sniff.

"ANT,DON'T" Dec shouted "it might bite"

"Dec,calm down will you?" Ant sighed "and stop shouting,you're scaring him"

"What kind of animal is that?" Dec enquired,as he watched Ant try and entice it out of the bush.

"Can't tell until I get a closer look" Ant sighed.

Slowly and gradually,the small animal followed Ant out of the bush and the boys were able to get a good look at it.

"It's actually quite cute" Dec smiled "looks a bit like a teeny,weeny kangaroo"

"Oh yeah" Ant beamed "I recognise it,I've read about these guys,they have a funny name"

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