part 8

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"Wind's picking up a bit?" Ant noticed as he and Dec lay on the floor in their new abode.

"Yeah" Dec replied "it's quite cosy in here though isn't it?"

"Yeah,it is" Ant laughed "this is a palace to us at the moment"

"At least our water bottles will be getting filled up" Dec smiled.

"As long as the wind hasn't blown them over" Ant frowned.

"Course not" Dec stated confidently "we made sure they were pretty secure"

"Better try and get some sleep then" Ant yawned "we've had a busy day"

"A productive day too" Dec beamed.

"Yeah" Ant muttered,as he rolled over and turned his back towards Dec "goodnight"

"Night Ant" Dec replied.

It wasn't long before Dec was awoken by a lot of howling and banging.

"ANT" Dec shouted out,as he was startled from his sleep "ANT"

"What's wrong Declan?" Ant asked sleepily.

"What do you mean what's wrong?" Dec exclaimed "how the hell can you sleep through this noise?"

Ant sat bolt upright in bed "shit,a storm?"

"Sounds like it" Dec said nervously,as he listened to the howling wind and cracking of branches as they were torn from the trees.

Ant looked up to the roof of their little shelter,only to be met with trickle of water dripping onto his forehead.

"It's bloody well leaking in here" Dec announced angrily "you said it was leak proof"

"Well,I thought it was" Ant frowned,moving away from the source of the leak.

"What do we do?" Dec asked desperately.

"Just stay put and hope the storm passes soon" Ant suggested.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH" Dec suddenly shouted out,jumping out of his skin as one of the pieces of driftwood tore away from the shelter.

"Oh God" Ant groaned "I'm not sure this is gonna much longer"

"What?" Dec asked distraught "it has to hold,we spent practically all day making it"

"I know" Ant sighed "I don't think it will though,not now it's already started falling apart"

"Should we get out then?" Dec begged.

"No" Ant replied "it's probably more dangerous out there than in here,trees and branches could fall on us from a much greater height"

"We could go on the beach then?" Dec suggested.

"Even worse" Ant replied "no protection from anything there,you don't know what might hit us"

"I'm scared" Dec said in an almost inaudible voice.

"I know kidda" Ant smiled "come here"

He beckoned Dec to move in closer,which Dec willingly did.

"Better?" Ant asked as Dec cuddled up to him and Ant kept his arms firmly wrapped around his friend.

Dec nodded quietly,but he wasn't really feeling any better,he was feeling absolutely terrified,not knowing how much worse the storm would get,it was already bad enough.

He buried his face into Ants chest as the wind got stronger and the rain got heavier,trying desperately to block out the horrendous sounds as their little makeshift home,gradually got ripped apart around them.

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