part 3

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"I still can't believe this is happening" Dec sighed,as he stared out into the cold,dark sea.

"Me neither" Ant shook his head sadly "but it'll be a tale to tell the folks back home"

"Do you think we should have tied the boat up?" Dec asked,as he watched their only mode of transport bobbing around in the sea "moored it?anchored it or something?"

"Probably" Ant sighed "but I'm not going back in that freezing water now,we'll just have to risk it"

"Bit irresponsible isn't it?" Dec frowned.

"Well,you go ahead if you want to sort it out" Ant shrugged "I don't think it's going anywhere though,the waves are coming inwards not outwards"

"Tides do go out as well ya know?" Dec pointed out.

"I just don't care about that damn boat at this precise moment Decs" Ant stated "it'll be fine"

"I'll just trust you know what you're talking about then" Dec replied "and hope it's still there when it gets light"

Ant didn't answer,he really didn't care about it right now,he was too busy trying to ignore his rumbling stomach.

"So should we go and explore now?" Dec asked curiously,changing the subject "find out where we are?I don't see any lights coming from anywhere"

"Everyone will be asleep I suppose" Ant shrugged "it's the middle of the night after all"

"Yeah,but there would still be street lights wouldn't there?" Dec pointed out.

"Well,we're on a beach" Ant replied "once we go a bit further inland,there'll be more lighting"

"So should we go and explore?" Dec repeated.

"Not until daybreak at least" Ant pondered "don't want to get lost in the dark"

"Hate to break it to you Anthony" Dec sighed "but we already are lost"

"Doesn't matter" Ant smiled "we're gonna be rescued tomorrow"

"So you keep saying" Dec frowned "but what if we're not?"

"Don't be ridiculous Declan" Ant snapped "of course we will be,they're not going to leave us out here to die are they?"

Dec shuddered at that thought.

"Wonder what Ali and Anne-Marie are doing?" Dec mused.

"Worrying themselves sick I'd imagine" Ant frowned.

The boys hated the idea of what their other halves would be going through right now,especially Ali who also had a toddler to take care of while having no idea what had happened to her beloved husband.

"Wonder if we've made the news?" Dec asked curiously.

"Hope not" Ant replied "it'll be a circus if we have,that'll be the last thing Anne-Marie and Ali need"

"BRITAINS BEST LOVED PRESENTING DUO GO MISSING IN AUSTRALIA" Dec announced,he could just imagine the newspaper headlines back home,maybe even around the world.

"Yep,will definitely be a circus" Ant sighed "hopefully we'll be back at the hotel before anyone back home ever knew we were missing"

The boys carried on chatting into the night,until the sun finally started to rise up over the horizon.

"It's getting warmer" Dec smiled.

"Thank God for that" Ant nodded "never been so cold in my life"

"Me neither" Dec agreed "looks like it might be a scorcher again,I'd better stay in the shade until we're found"

"Yeah,you'd definitely better had" Ant laughed "can't be dealing with you having sunstroke on top of everything else"

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