:/ #10

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It was the next day you and Bakugou are sitting in class talking when you hear a familiar voice.

"I!" It starts, coming closer to the class.

"AM!" It says again. All of a sudden, the door flies open and All Might leans in holding onto the door frame. 


All of the students are excited.

"All Might is going to teach us!?" Someone says excitedly.

"THAT IS RIGHT YOUNG ONE!" All Might replies walking to the front of the class.

You lean back and whisper to Bakugou "Why is he yelling?"

He shrugs his shoulders. You roll your eyes and sit forward to listen to All Might.

"TODAY WE WILL BE DOING A GROUP TRAINING EXERCISE! SO GO CHANGE INTO YOUR HERO COSTUMES, AND MEET ME IN THE TRAINING GROUNDS!" As All Might says that, cases with numbers on them pull out of the wall. All Might walks out and everyone grabs their number, which corresponds with their seat number. You're is number 16, so you look for number 16. When you find it you grab it and you and Bakugou walk to the changing rooms. You go in and change without talking to any of the girls. You overhear Mina say "I think she just needs a friend. Maybe if I try hard enough, I can be Y/N's friend."

You scoff. 'As if.' You think and walk out.

At the Training grounds

When everyone gets there, All Might separates you guys into different teams. You are on team 'I' with someone named Ojiro. All Might pulls two letters out of two boxes. One says 'Heroes' and the other says 'Villains'. One team would be a villain, and the other would be the heroes. The object of the training exercise is for the heroes to touch a bomb that the villains are hiding or capture one of the villains with special handcuffs. The villains have to try and keep the bomb from the heroes. The only way the villains could win is if time runs out. Each team gets five minutes. 

All Might shows the letters to the class. Team A would be the heroes, and team D would be the villains. You look at Bakugou who was smirking.

"Why are you so happy?" You ask him.

"That damn nerd is going down." He replies.

It turns out that Bakugou was on team D with the guy with the glasses from the first day. The one who told you guys to take your feet off the desks. And Midoriya was on team A along with the brown-haired girl. You and the rest of the class went to watch the fight on screens. They were fighting for a little while, but you couldn't get this thought out of your head.

"All Might, are you sure this is a good idea?" You ask him.

"What do you mean young Y/N." He replies calmly.

'Woah, he's not yelling.' You think to yourself.

"I'm just saying. I know Kac-Bakugou and De-Midoriya. Bakugou really hates Midoriya, and would probably kill him if you give him the chance.... And you're giving him a chance." You point to the screen.

All Might thought for a moment. "It'll be fine." He gave you a reassuring smile.

"Whatever you say." As you respond, you feel the ground shake. You look at the screen and see that Bakugou just shot a powerful blast from the gauntlets at Midoriya. But Midoriya dodged the blast. You take a deep breath of relief.

"Thank god." You say.

"I know, I'm glad Midoriya is ok." A yellow-haired guy says from behind you. You turn and look at him in confusion.

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