:/ #78

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A/N: I just want to explain that I do like the Harry Potter series. It was really good. However, I do not support JK Rowling and her views on the trans community. This is an LGBTQ+ safe space. I just wanted to clarify that. 

Everything in the class started to calm down since you and Mina talked. And you actually started to feel better. Your mental health was still shit, but there were visible improvements to your mood. You didn't get as angry as you use to. You didn't snap at people for getting in your way. And there were the off chances that you actually felt happy. But that was pretty rare. 

As you were sitting in class, Mr. Aizawa told the class to get into their hero costumes and meet in gym gamma since you were going to be working on some ultimate moves. 

Everyone quickly ran to the changing rooms and changed into their hero costumes. Once in gym gamma, you noticed there were tall pillars of cement; curtesy of Cementos. Ectoplasm and Aizawa were both in there waiting for you, along with All Might in his small form. 

You haven't seen his small form, since you didn't get to see the end of the fight, and he wasn't at your house with Mr. Aizawa. He looked...horrible. He looked as if his other form had sex with a zombie, and popped out a gross version of the two.... but worse. 

"Today, as I mentioned earlier, you will be working on some ultimate moves, or you can continue to improve your quirks. With the help of Ectoplasm's clones, you will be able to attack an opponent without hurting anyone." Mr. Aizawa explained. 

After dismissing everyone, each person in the class got their own pillar and began working. After a while, you decided to work behind all of the pillars, so you could try something that you had in mind. 

While working with Tiger at the training camp, you work on using both your angle and devil at the same time. However, you had always wondered what would happen if you combined them together. 
You figured if nothing happened, they would just be pushed against each other. Or something cool might happen. You weren't sure. But to be safe, you had Mr. Aizawa supervise in case things did go wrong. 

Your angle was in your left hand, and your devil was in your right, you took a breath and brought your hands together. The moment they connected, you felt a strange power flowing inside you. Although it only lasted a few seconds before a large explosion of light broke the two apart and sent you flying, landing on your back. 

Mr. Aizawa ran over to make sure you weren't dead. "Unfortunately, I'm fine. But I landed on a rock." You groaned as you sat up and dusted off the rocks on your back. 

Mr. Aizawa hummed. "So something can clearly happen when you do that. However, your body might not be ready for that." 

"Wrong." Your angle mumble. 

"YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DUMB FUCKING LITTLE GOODIE TWO-SHOE BITCH!" Your devil shouted a small flame lit on the top of his head. 

That took Mr. Aizawa by surprise. He looked over at the angle, eyes wide, then over at your devil. "They can talk?" He asked, not taking his eyes off the angle creature. 

"Sometimes. But not a lot." You explained, nonchalantly as you stand up. 

Mr. Aizawa continued to stare at the creatures that floated their way back to your shoulders. "Ok?" 

After shaking off the thoughts of how weird your angle and devil were, he told you to go back to your pillar and practice using them at the same time. Since this plan had backfired. 

As you reached the top of your pillar, Bakugou asked. "What was that about?" he was sitting on his pillar, which was a little bit above yours, with his feet dangling over the edge. 

You looked up at him. "I tried to do something but it didn't work." You explained as you held your sword in your left hand, with your strength flowing through your arms, waist, and legs to allow the most powerful swing. 
"It just means I'll have to train a little harder and get better with my quirk." You used all of your weight to slice your sword through the clone that Ectoplasm had on your pillar, cutting it in half. 

Before either of you could say any more, you heard one of the most annoying voices in the world. 
Neito Monama. 

He was saying that you had to get out of the gym. Saying that you were being selfish again by not sharing. You tuned him out mostly, and only started to get off your pillar when Mr. Aizawa told your class it was time to leave. 

Then Monama started talking about the hero licence exam and how he was excited to finally prove that they were the better class. 

"Actually, hero classes from the same school will be split up. To make it fair for everyone participating." Vlad King, class 1b's homeroom teacher, explained. 

You couldn't help but notice the sigh of relief from Monama, before he exclaimed, "Too bad. Now we can't fight each other directly." 

"If he keeps talking I'm gonna punch him in his face." You whispered to Bakugou. 

"Is it just me, or does he give off Draco from Harry Potter vibes?" Jiro asked. 

You looked at Monama and tilted your head a little to the side. "A little." You couldn't help the chuckle that escaped your lips. 

"Like, all year I've just been waiting for him to say 'My father will hear about this'." She mocked, causing you to laugh through your teeth and shake your head. 

"He would." You deeply inhaled through your nose, to try to calm yourself down, as you spoke. 

"He's like a dollar store version of Draco, but worse. And more annoying." You chuckled at yourself. 

"What are you three doing?" Mr. Aizawa asked seeking up behind the three of you. 

You were startled a bit, then said, "Monama looks like a knock-off Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter." Both classes looked at Monama and nodded in agreement. 
"Jiro said it not me." 

"What the hell?" She exclaimed pushing your shoulder. 

Words: 1055
Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 
I have 2 assignments due on Tuesday, and a test on Monday (it's Saturday) and I decided to write this instead. 
I apologize if the Harry Potter reference made any of you uncomfortable, because of its connection to JK Rowling. It was not my intent. I just thought it would make you guys laugh. I thought it was funny. But if you are offended, I am truly sorry. Just know that was not my intent. 
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter 

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