:/ #68

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A/N: Hey guys. Sorry, this is taking a while. I really hate outlining, but I need to outline chapters in detail, (For my sake) and it has been very annoying to do so. 
This chapter might be pretty short. That is because the scene after this is really long and needs its own chapter, so here you have 2 really short scenes. 
But that is it. Enjoy. 

You laid there, naked, your head resting on Bakugou's bare chest, thinking about the conversation you had with your dad. Bakugou had noticed you were lost in thought because you only draw random things on his chest when you were. 

"What are you thinking about?" he asked, but you weren't listening. He tapped your side with the arm that was around your waist. "Hey. What's up?" You hummed confused as you look up. "You're spacing off again. What's up?" 

"Oh," You looked back down towards his chest. "I'm just thinking." 

Bakugou rolled his eyes. "I can see that dumbass. But what are you thinking about?" You roll your eyes. 

You bit the inside of your cheek and sighed. "Honestly, my dad." 

Bakugou's face contorted as confused overtook him. "Weird thing to think about after sex." 

"Ew, not like that you idiot." You smack his arm and sit up a little bit. 

"Ok, well," He chuckles a little at your slap. Then he sits up as well. 

You sigh. "Something he said. Before I came over." You paused for a second then continued. "He said he wants to try and be a better dad." 

"Well, that's good. Right?" 

You stay quiet. "I don't know." 

"Well it's good he wants to try. That's a start right?" You were still unsure. 

"I just don't want to get my hope up, then he goes back to how he was." You pull your knees into your chest and rest your chin on them. 

Bakugou thought for a moment. "Then don't." You turn and look at him confused. "Don't get your hopes up. Know, that he is changing and that he wants to be in your life." 

"But what if he doesn't change. Or what if he changes for a little bit, but then goes back to the way he was." 

"Now you're spiralling." You turn back to him annoyed. "Look, he wants to try. The other night, he was here. When was the last time he came over here to be with you?" 

You thought about it for a little, looking away from him. "I guess." 

"If he wasn't in it 100% then he wouldn't have come." 

"I also just got kidnapped." 

"So? The old him would have called to see if you were alive. He actually came over to make sure you were ok." You were still skeptical. "Look, I'm not saying that he's gonna be perfect, but if you refuse to let him try, you will probably miss out on a good relationship." You smiled. "That's good for family, not for exes." 

"Ah yes. We don't take exes back." You chuckled. 

Bakugou laid back down on the bed, with his hands under his head. "You broke up for a reason." 

You nodded. 

Bakugou sighed then asked, "Are you staying here, or are you gonna leave me?" There was a slight chuckle in his voice. 

You chuckled and turned to him. "Are you trying to guilt-trip me into staying the night?" 

"Is it working?" You chuckled. 

Then Bakugou taps on his chest, motioning for you to lay down. You smiled and roll your eyes as you lay your head back on his chest, and his arms go back around your waist. You smile even more and hum into his chest. 


It was the next day at about 7 pm and you finally decided to go home. Kirishima, Kaminari and Jiro came over to Bakugou's house, so you hung out with them for a while. 
When they left, you decided it was a good time to go home as well. Maybe take some of Bakugou's advice and try to see how your dad changes. 

As you were heading home, you got a text from your dad. It said that they were going to watch a movie, and he wanted to know if you wanted to join. 
You were interested. You texted him back, a little hesitant to send it, but you did. 

Sure. I'm omw anyways

When you reached your home, you took a breath before opening the door. When you did, you saw your dad and stepmom sitting on the couch, with Nextflix on the TV. They were hovering over Jumanji. (The one with Robin Williams) 
Then B/N was in the kitchen making something in a big bowl. It smelt like caramel popcorn with some chocolate. 

"Oo, Y/N. You decided to join us?" Your stepmom asked, hopeful. 

You smiled a little and nodded. "I'm just gonna go get changed." You nod to your brother as you head to your room to get changed. 

You change out of what you're wearing and put on a pair of jogging pants, a black tube top and a black sweatshirt. Then you went to the bathroom and did your nightly routine. (If you don't do skincare then don't worry about this) 
Then head into the living room. You decided to sit in a comfy chair next to the couch, leaving room for B/N. Since he was making some kind of popcorn confection in the kitchen. 

You and your stepmom get to talking about what you did at Bakugou's house, with your dad chiming in whenever fit. 

Eventually, B/N finally came over with a large bowl of Caramel popcorn with Resee's Pieces and M&M's. (Take out whatever you're allergic to. Or make it your own thing. I don't really care) 

"That smells like diabetes." Your dad stated after B/N explained what was in his bowl. "Pass it over." 

"Actually, I've seen an ice cream store that sells ice cream, sprinkles, candy, and syrup served on a cotton candy plate. Now that is diabetes as a desert." You chuckle as you take some of the popcorn.
The family laughs. 

Once you've calmed down a little bit, your stepmom pressed play on the TV, and you enjoy a nice movie night with your family. 

This was something you'd never done before. At least here. To be honest, it was nice. Laughing at the jokes, and yelling at the characters if they did something stupid. It was a good night. 
Definitely a night you were going to remember. 

Words: 1083
Hey guys. Like I said, short chapter because the next scene is really long, and it would make more sense as its own chapter. I have also decided, once this story is over, before I make the second one, I am going to go back and rewrite the beginning chapters. I'm not going to change the story, I am just going to change the writing style. Because every time I go back and reread some of it, I cringe at how bad the writing is. So I am definitely going to rewrite them. So there is that. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter. 

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