:/ #52

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Author's note: Hey guys. Real quick before this chapter starts. Firstly, listen to Numb by Linkin Park while looking in the mirror and tell me that it doesn't hit different. I will fucking wait. 
Second, I want to thank you all for 22 K reads. Oh my goodness. How did this happen? This is honestly amazing. I'm glad you guys are enjoying this story. 
I also just got the q+a on TikTok so if you guys have any questions for me, you can go on there and ask away. I will try to answer as many as I can. My TikTok is _bunnyblunk_ 
Finally, I am writing this instead of doing my homework, so there's that. 

All Might and the boss were fighting for a few minutes now. The metal around your body started to tighten slightly. You were starting to get worried. You were stuck and couldn't move, and the only 2 people that could help you were busy trying to not die. 
That is until some ice came and froze some metal that was about to attack one of the boys. 

You looked around confused. 'Where did that come from?' You wondered, with a slight idea of who it was. 

Your idea was questioned however when you heard loud explosions being shot at the boss villain, to which he used metal to block them, along with someone yelling "GO TO HELL!" You didn't even have to look around to know that that was Bakugou yelling. Which then made you start to think. And your question was soon answered when you heard Midoriya yell, "Kirishima! Todoroki! Uraraka!" 

'They finally make it to the party.' You thought sarcastically. 

Your thoughts were soon interrupted when you felt the metal around you growing tighter by the second. It was so tight that it was now very difficult to breathe. And if this kept up, you felt like you would pop. 
You noticed that Bakugou was in earshot, and if he stopped making explosions, you could yell loud enough for him to hear you. 

The moment his explosions stopped, you took the deepest breath that you could, under the circumstances, and called out "KACCHAN!" 

He turned his head, to see you, metal wrapping around your body. The look of pain and discomfort, with a hint of fear in your eyes. As if you didn't know if you would make it. 
He quickly blasted over to you, holding to the top of the metal that was holding you up. His feet were slightly slipping down, making it hard for him to stay up. Basically, he had to use a lot of his upper body strength to hold himself up. 

"Can you move?" he asked worriedly. You shake your head 'no'. "Ok, brace yourself, this is going to be loud." 

You turn your head slightly and close your eyes preparing yourself for the loud bang. 
Bakugou pushed himself off the metal slightly and made a large explosion that broke the metal around you. The moment it broke off you, you gasp for air and start to cough. 

While you were catching your breath and coughing, Bakugou grabbed you. He wrapped your arms and legs around him and blasted over to everyone else. "Watch her," he told Jiro, who was one of the people sitting by the stair's door. Once you were on the ground, and with Jiro, he blasted off to help Midoriya, All Might, and the others. 

Jiro checked you out and saw your ripped dress, and the piece of material wrapped tightly around your arm. "Y/N? Are you ok? What happened?" 

"Fucking Deku was trying to be a hero, but as always he only caused more problems, and I had to save his ass. Which led me to get trapped." You replied, after getting air in your lungs. 

"Sounds about right. Now, what about your arm?" Jiro pointed to your make-shift bandage on your cut arm. 

"Hm?" You looked at your arm. "Oh, metal scratch. I think." 

"You think?" 

"Well, I don't actually remember getting it. I blame adrenaline." 

Jiro let out a chuckle. 

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