:/ #15

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"Oh hey, nice aim by the way." Kirishima compliments you. Kirishima, Bakugou, and you were walking out of the crumbling building as cautiously as you can. If you ever encountered a villain you would shoot it with your bow, because it was the quickest and the quietest way of knocking them out.

"Thanks, I guess." You say walking close to between both boys.

"That first arrow you shot, I thought you were gonna shoot Bakubro over here." He puts a hand on Bakugou's shoulder. Bakugou pushes his hand away and rolls his eyes.

We all walk out of the destruction zone and walk towards the middle.

"So what is your plan to destroy the warp guy?" You ask Bakugou.

"Kill it." He says and you stop walking and look at him confused. Kirishima stops with you, but Bakugou keeps walking. You look at Kirishima.

"You see what I have to deal with?" You point at Bakugou. Kirishima shrugs and starts walking again. You roll your eyes and run to catch up with the boys. You look at the middle and see a green-haired girl and a short purple-haired boy carrying an injured Mr. Aizawa. A giant black thing with a bird beak, and part of his brain showing. The warp guy and another guy wearing all black, and he had hands on his arms and one on his face. As soon as Bakugou saw them he ran right for them. You see Midoriya about to fall into part of the smoke, but before he could Bakugou exploded his way and blew up the portal Mirodiya was going to fall into yelling "GET OUT OF THE WAY DEKU!"

He grabbed a metal brace on the void and held him down. You pointed your bow at the hand guy. Kirishima hardened his hands and arms and stood in a fighting stance ready to fight. Kurogiri tried to move but Bakugou made little explosions in his hand hurting him.

"Don't move. Heh. You try anything and I'll blow your ass up so bad that they'll be picking up pieces of you for weeks." Bakugou says in a mocking tone.

"Oh, that doesn't sound very heroic," Kirishima replies. You look at Kirishima giving him a look that says 'That was kinky as fuck.' Kirishima smirked and you rolled your eyes. All of a sudden the hand guy knocked you over by knocking your legs out from under you making you fall on your butt, and he put four fingers on your face.

"Don't let him touch you with all five fingers," Midoriya yelled. "He will disintegrate you." Fear washed over you and Bakugou's face. Bakugou got a little distracted when he looks at you, Kurogiri managed to escape from Bakugou's grasp. He stands up and moves away from Bakugou.

"Now," the hand guy starts, "where is All Might?" He looks directly at you.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know? If he ain't here, then I don't know where he could be." You snap. "By the way, your hand is like, super crusty. Have you ever heard of lotion?" He pulled his hand away a little. You use this opportunity to do the same thing he did to you, by kicking his legs out from underneath him, causing him to fall, and you stand up quickly. You kick his gut and move away pointing the bow at him. You wipe your face a little trying to get the crusty feeling off your face.

Bakugou looks at you while his face is asking 'You ok?' You nod your head letting him know you are, and relief washes over him. All of a sudden there is a big bang at the top of the stairs. You look over and see All Might. The hand guy quickly stands up and grabs you by the neck putting four fingers on your neck. Fear hits everyone like a truck. You reach up and try to pull his hand off, but it's too hard. All Might comes close but when he sees the hand around your neck he freezes.

"Take one more step and I'll disintegrate her neck." The man says.

You notice your bow and get an idea. You turn your bow into a sword and bring it to his hand.

"Let go or I cut off your finger." You say firmly. "Will you still be able to use your quirk with only four fingers?" He thinks for a second, then lets you go.

"That's fine. I'm not going to fight him. He is." The man says pointing at the big black bird...thing. You run away from the hand guy and go towards Bakugou. He puts his hands on your shoulders then starts looking at your neck.

"You ok?" He asks.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." You say reassuring him. You looked over and see the bird thing running at All Might.

"Meet Nomu. Your perfect match" The hand guy said laughing. You begin to load your bow. You see All Might punch it, but the Nomu punches back harder.

"Its quirk is shock absorption. So punching it won't do anything." You hear the hand guy say and your eyes widen. You lower your bow. By this time, Kirishima and Midoriya came over to where you and Bakugou were standing.

"Why'd you lower your bow?" Midoriya askes.

"If that thing's quirk is shock absorption, my bow won't do anything. That is the one quirk my bow doesn't work on. The arrow would just piss it off and make it harder for All Might." You explain.

You all watch as All Might starts punching the Nomu like crazy. He punches it a hundred million times, to the point where the Nomu starts trying to block because all the punches are starting to hurt it. We all watch in amazement.

"What's he doing?" Bakugou asks.

"He gonna beat it out of him. Punching him so fast, he won't have time to regenerate." You explain excitedly.

When the Nomu looks like he had enough, All might gives him one final huge punch sending him flying through the roof of the USJ. Everyone is shocked. All of a sudden, you hear gunshots. Everyone turns and sees one of the teachers, Mr. Snipe, shooting his gun at the hand guy. Kurogiri blocked the bullets and the hand guy ran through him. Then Kurogiri disappears. The gunshots stop, and police officers come running down and telling you all to quickly run up the stairs. They bring you up the stairs and out of the USJ.

Words: 1088

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry, it's kinda short. I just want to let out all know I won't be posting this on Monday. My new story is coming out on Monday, so I will be going back to posting every other day. Just letting you know. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter. 

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