:/ #73

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A/N: I said this in my conversations, but I added an extra chapter to Please Stop. So there will be 86 instead of 85. Just thought I'd let you know. 
Anyways, enjoy the chapter. 

'He's gonna be so pissed.' You thought to yourself as you looked at yourself in the mirror. 
You were about to head out to go on your date with Sero.
You decided to tease Bakugou a little bit by wearing something pretty revealing. And since it was pretty warm out today. You wore a black tube top, with a pair of light blue jean shorts, that were slightly ripped. 

'Well, that's what he gets for ruining my Redstone.' You thought proudly. You sighed, and checked over your hair and makeup, making sure it looked good. You were wearing a bit more makeup than you normally do, just to get your point across to Bakugou. 

Once you were sure you were ready, you grabbed your phone and your student id, so you could get back onto campus after, and headed out the door. 

Once in the elevator, you waited until you got to the main floor. To your surprise, when the doors opened, Bakugou was standing on the other side of the hallway with his arms crossed, leaning against the large glass window. 

He looked at you through hooded eyes, as his head never moved from looking at the ground. It felt like daggers were being stabbed into your body from his glare. 
He finally looked up when you stepped out of the elevator and started to walk to the front door. 

Before you were able to walk around the corner, Bakugou was at your side pulling your arm. 
"Are you really going out with him?" He demanded more than asked. 

You looked at him annoyed. 
"Are you going to fix my Redstone?" You asked with a sarcastic smile. 

"No." He growled, annoyed that this was your reasoning. 


You pulled your arm out of his grasp and walked towards the front door, where Sero stood waiting, playing a game on his phone.
 You walked over and started to change your shoes when you noticed the game on his phone. You were practically mesmerized by the flashing lights and fun sounds it made when he did something good. When he beat the level he looked down at you. 
"Ready to go?" 

You nodded and finished changing your shoes, before exiting the door that he held open for you. 

"So what do you wanna do?" Sero asked you as the two of you began to walk towards the main gate of the UA campus. 

"I kinda want boba." You thought out loud. 

"Sure. Where?" 

"There's a boba shop by an arcade in my neighbourhood." 

"Sure why not." 

"Well, you weren't gonna get a say in where we were going anyways." You explained as you headed towards the train station. 

"What? Well, what if I didn't want to get boba? What would you do then?" Sero did his best to keep up with you, but you were a pretty fast walker. 

"Then you can do whatever you want. But I want boba." 

"Nananana" Sero mocked you, moving his hand like a mouth. You then returned the favour. 
"I'm Y/N. I'm a bitchy little girl that hates everyone." Sero mocked you again. 

"I'm Sero, and I'm a dumbass." You mocked back, then turned to him with a face saying 'try me bitch'. 

"Oh, wow, you fail one class and suddenly you're a "dumbass." 

"It's ok, I basically failed all of middle school." 

"Then how are you in high school?" 

"I basically scared all of the staff into letting me pass." Sero dramatically rolled his eyes. 

Please Stop *Y/N × Bakugou (Fem Y/N)*Where stories live. Discover now