:/ #49

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The four of you stand in front of the large group of robots, ready to fight your way through them. However, a strange noise came from behind you all. You turned around and saw the 2 villains that you just knocked out start to wake up.

"Are you serious?" You exclaimed annoyed.

"What?" Bakugou turned around and saw what you saw. "Oh fuck,"

"Who touched the arrow?" You turned to look at Kirishima and Todoroki.
You first looked at Kirishima, who raised his hands shaking his head.

Then you looked at Todoroki. He looked confused. "It looked like it hurt,"

You groaned. "Whatever." You grab your angel and turn it into a sword. "You and Kacchan take care of them, and Sharky and I will deal with these things,"

Without another word from the boys, the four of you got to fighting. You and Kirishima started destroying the robots, with your sword and his hardening.
Bakugou and Todoroki fought off the villains once again.

The fighting went on for a while. Eventually, Bakugou started spinning in the air really fast, and yelled "HOWLE WINZER INPACT!" and blew up the purple monster looking guy. The impact knocked him out, which caused him to turn back into his normal human form.

As Bakugou landed on the ground, again, Todoroki yelled "LOOK OUT!" Bakugou heard and dodged an attack by the other villain. However, one of his sleeves was torn off.

The villain looked down at his hand and saw some of Bakugou's sweat. "Huh?"

"It's my sweat. It works like nitroglycerin," Bakugou explained.
That gave Todoroki an idea.

The villains back was to you and Kirishima. Kirishima must have heard what was going on and understood the plan. To be completely honest, you weren't paying all that much attention. You were just thinking about how annoying it was that you spent all this time getting ready, and now villains were attacking the island. So now you wasted all that time getting ready for a stupid party, that doesn't even matter any more, and-

Your thoughts were quickly cut off when Kirishima pushed you out of the way at the last second, before a large explosion went off. He hardened his whole body and used himself as a shield to protect you from the blast.

Once the explosion finished, Kirishima sat up. You prop yourself up on your elbows and look at the robots with Kirishima. Sadly, they dodged the attack, by hiding in themselves. It was weird and you have no idea how they did it, but here you are.

Kirishima looked down at you. "I am so sorry," He said as he stood up, reaching out at hand offering to help you up. You took his hand and let him help you up, brushing off his apology.

Bakugou and Todoroki ran over to you and Kirishima. You turned to the robots and crossed your arms, even pouted a little. "Mmm," You whine.

"What are you whining about?" Bakugou asked, more annoyed than curious.

"This is stupid. They are stupid. And I wanna take a nap. Tell you what. You guys fight, and I will go over there and take a nap-" You pointed to a bush you noticed, but Bakugou cut you off.

"Nope," he pulled your arm and pointed at the robots. "See those. They are your mom."

Your eyes widen a little. You look at the robots, then turn to Bakugou. "Really?"

"Go crazy," You smile and spin your sword around in your hand. You run over to the robots and start destroying them.
Kirishima and Todoroki look at you worried and confused. Bakugou stands there with his arms crossed almost proud of you.

"S-should we be worried?" Kirishima asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"Nah, she's fine."

"May I pretend they are my father?"

Both boys turned to look at Todoroki with wide eyes.
"Uh, go for it," Kirishima replied, unsure of what the hell was going on.

Todoroki nodded, and started freezing then burning the robots.

The other 2 boys watched in shock as you and Todoroki take your anger out on the poor robots.


The four of you were running in the direction everyone else had gone. You met up with Momo, Jiro, Kaminari, Mineta, and Iida. They pointed you in the direction of the others and told you to help them. Said that they would be fine.

You went in the direction they pointed you in which brought you to a roof. Bakugou was in the front, so he saw them first.

As you were running in the direction you were pointed in, Bakugou started running faster, and blew up some robots. Turns out the same robots you fought, were about to attack Uraraka.

When you could see actually how many robots were there, you stopped. 'Nope. Nope,' You think as you turns to the tower. You saw Melissa and Midoriya flying up. You assumed they were going into the top of the tower.

You looked at the boys who were fighting the robots, then up at the tower. You grabbed your devil and squeezed it. You moved the strength to both your hands and feet, since you have confidence in your ability to hold your own weight. You broke some of the wall with your hand, giving you a place to hold onto, and started climbing up the wall, continuing to make little divots in the wall. (I am so sorry if that is confusing. I'm very bad at explaining things)

You climbed so fast, that you actually passed Midoriya and Melissa.
You made it to the top of the tower and found a door. You jumped through the door, and landed, then release your devil. When you release it, it spoke. "Wow, way to finally use me today. I though you were just gonna use little angel over there,"

Then the angel spoke as well. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you wanted to be used more. Maybe you should use them more often. It's just fair-"

You cut them off. Their voices annoyed you. "Both of you shut up. Hurry up and eat," You put the devil in your almond pouch, and make the angel disappear. 'God they're annoying.' You think rolling your eyes.

You start walking around and see 2 people walking into a room. Assuming they are part of the villains, you follow them. They walk into a room with a computer, and, what looks like, compartments on the walls.

They ran straight for the computer and started doing something on it. You run up one of the set of stairs, and hid behind a second computer that was above the door.

After a little while of typing, the taller one got excited. He said a number, and the shorter guy ran to one of the compartments. The compartment opened and the smaller guy grabbed a briefcase that was inside it. He opened it excitedly. "Yes, it's here. Everything's here. Now we can continue our research somewhere else,"

'What? They are scientists? Do they not know that villains are attacking or something?' You wondered in confusion.

"Excellent." The taller professor ran over to the shorter one. He looked in the briefcase with an envious look in his eyes. "They took everything. All our research. Said that it would be too dangerous in the wrong hands."

"I understand. I was there. But look, we have it back. And it looks like the pretend villains are doing their job well. Everything is going to plan,"
Your eyes widened. 'Pretend villains?' You couldn't believe your ears. 'Two professors planned a fake villain attack so they could get their research back? Are they crazy?'

All of a sudden, a soft, confused, and scared voice from the door spoke up. "Papa?" 

Words: 1296
Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I want to point out, you will get a real look into Y/N's life in the dorms. That will kinda explain why she was- is such a bitch. Yes, I read your comments. And I see that some people were fairly upset with Y/N. Yes, she is a bitch, but please stay tuned. There are reasons. That is it. I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next chapter. 

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