:/ #46

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The plane had just landed in I-island, and the four of you just made it through security. Kirishima, Bakugou, and you were wearing your hero costumes because the email said you all had to. Although, yours didn't.
Since your dad is not a hero, rather a company owner for hero support items, your email didn't say anything about wearing hero costumes. But you brought yours and wore it anyways.
And your brother couldn't wear one, for the obvious reasons being, he does not go to UA. He's not even in high school yet. So he doesn't have one. But he will get one next year when he goes to UA.

The four of you are walking around, looking at your emails for where your hotel is. However, you and Bakugou are having a bit of trouble finding it.

B/N looks at your phone, then looks up a little. "Oh, is that it?" The three of you look at B/N, then look to where he is pointing.
It was a fairly large building with the name of the hotel you are looking for, on the front in bold cursive letters.

"Umm..." You look back down at the email, then up at the hotel. "Yea, I think so,"

"Nice find B/N," Kirishima said with a toothy smile. B/N blushed a little, as he looked away, with a nervous smile. You pinch your eyebrows slightly in confusion, but you can't help yourself from laughing a little.
What you didn't realize was that Bakugou was looking at Kirishima, the same way you were looking at B/N.

With that, the four of you go into the hotel and check into your rooms.


You are sitting on Bakugou's bed, looking through your email. B/N was sitting next to you, while the other 2 boys were unpacking their suitcases. You are looking at some of the things that you can do on this trip before the party.

You are looking for a little while when you come across a villain course. "Hey what about this?" You sit up and the boys turn to you. "It's a villain course. It looks like there are robots, and you see how quickly you can destroy them. Looks like fun,"

"Wait, you can blow shit up?" Bakugou asks quickly running over to you, leaning over your shoulder. He purposely brings his head near your ear so you can hear his warm breaths, teasing you.
You pinch your eyebrows in both confusion and anger as you turn your head, and pull it away from his face. He turns to you and asks "What?"

You squint your eyes annoyed and confused, then push his face away saying "Fuck off," with a slight chuckle in your voice. You stand up and grab your belt, which you took off since it was getting uncomfortable, and started walking towards the door. "Come with me if you're coming,"

B/N quickly hops off the bed and runs over to you, Bakugou and Kirishima following close behind. On your way to the villain course, you all got to talking about hero things. Bakugou, of course, was saying that All Might was the better hero. But you are saying that Mirko was the better hero. Then B/N said something, that you weren't exactly expecting. "If we are being completely honest, Mirko is the better hero,"

You gasp in excitement. "THANK YOU! I knew I bringing you along was a good idea,"

"But, I think Hawks it the best," All excitement is washed from your face, leaving only disbelief and heartbreak, as you stop walking. The boys stop and look at you. "What?"

Bakugou lets out a single snicker, as he crosses his arms. "She's just mad because Hawks wants to date her sister,"

"We have a sister?"

"Step-sister. Best girl ever. Not important," You pause and start reminiscing on few memories you have of the stupid bird brain, and how he was getting all flirty with your sister. "You think that the fucking bird brain, it better than Mirko?!"

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