:/ #43

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For this to make sense, the glasses that Snipe wears have thermal vision and night vision. I don't know if that's true but it is in my head. Also wanna say, I'm gonna try something I've seen and liked. I don't know what I think about this idea in my own stories, so I'm just gonna try it. If I like it I might use it again, if I don't I won't. That is it. Enjoy

Bakugou's POV:
Walking into the observation room, Bakugou saw Midoriya, Uraraka, Todoroki, and Momo standing in front of a metal railing, looking at monitors of the arena you are supposed to be fighting in. Midoriya was the first to notice him. "Hey Kacchan." He said with a smile. "Come to watch Y-"

"SHUT UP DEKU!" Bakugou snapped cutting Midoriya off.
Bakugou was still upset that he was supposed to fight his idol, All Might, with his rival, Midoriya.

Walking up to the metal railing and looking up at the monitor, Bakugou watched as you and Shoji stand behind a pillar, waiting for your exam to start. What he didn't notice was that Midoriya walked over to him, to try and to strategize with him. "S-so uh, K-kacchan?"

Bakugou shot him a death glare that said 'Did you not hear me?'
Midoriya gulped. "Y-yea ok," He said nervously rubbing the back of his neck and walking back to his spot next to Uraraka.

Bakugou looked back up at the monitor and heard the buzzer signalling for the exam to start. He leans forward placing his hands on the bar in front of him and studied the two people on the monitor.

You and Shoji are standing behind a pillar. You have your bow at the ready, and Shoji is looking at the door, with an eye on one of his limbs.

The room was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Quietly, and slowly, the main door opened, and a small canister is thrown in. Shoji squinted his eyes slightly. You look up at him confused.
You want to ask what the sound was, but you didn't want to say anything and give away your position.

Then, all of a sudden, smoke started coming out of the canister and filling the room. You turn your head and use your arm to cover your face. You don't notice at the time, but Shoji uses one arm to cover your face to protect you.
Not only because you need your sight for your plan to work, but he is a gentleman and wants to keep his teammates and friends safe.

Once the smoke stopped coming out of the canister, and the room was completely filled with smoke, Shoji moves his arms, and you look up. You can barely see two feet in front of you. However, you are still able to make out simple shapes.

Shoji then taps your arm 3 times. That was your code. Shoji would tap your arm. However many taps would determine how many pillars away you should go for the best shot.

You start to walk around the pillar towards the one in front of you when you hear gunshots. You quickly run to the pillar in front of you pressing your whole body on it. '1,' You think. That was the first pillar. There are 2 left. You let your hand guide you around the pillar. When you get to the other side, you take a breath and quickly run to the pillar in front of you. You hear another gunshot, and cover your mouth as your hand with your bow meets the pillar. '2,' You think again.

You do that one more time, walking around the pillar you are at, and running to the one in front of you with the sound of a gunshot all too close to you. You are now at the pillar Shoji wanted you at.

You take a breath and start to look around. You try to see if you can see the outline of Snipe, but it was very difficult. 'I'm gonna need something for this,' You think.

You try to keep your bow as close to your person and hidden because it does produce a glow that would give your position away.

You continue to look around to see if you can see Snipe, but you still saw nothing. The only thing in your view was the pillars. 'Is he hiding behind them, or in front of them maybe?'

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