:/ #66

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A/N: Hey guys. I'm not dead. I was gone a lot longer than I thought. But I'm here now. 
A little update on me, I have been playing a lot of sims 4. That is kinda where I have been. I have also been watching the 2003 TMNT. This show has the best Raph. If you disagree, you are entitled to your own wrong opinions. And that's ok.
I have also realized I am having a bit of an identity crisis. So I got that going for me. 
I should be back to my regular posting schedule, or as regular as I can. 
Also, I thought I would try this. For the 1 or 2 poor souls who haven't heard Chase Atlantic, here you go. 
Um... yeah. That's pretty much it. I hope you enjoy. 

It was the next day, and your dad got all of the papers into the court, so he is officially your's and B/N's legal guardian. Finally, after the few months that you'd been at your mom's. 

Even though you didn't end on good terms, you were still really glad to be home. Especially since your dad's house is a lot nicer and bigger than your mom's. 

However, the happiness and joy of being back home were short-lived because of a simple knock on the door, followed by 2 police officers bombarding you and your brother with questions about your mother. 

After about 30 minutes of none stop questioning, mainly towards your brother because he lived with your mother longer, they finally took the hint that neither of you knew anything and left. 

As they were walking out the door, Jiro walked up. "What are you doing here?" You asked her as you let her in and closed the door. 

She took off her shoes and replied, "I figured you shouldn't be alone right now." She looked around your house, in almost shock. "This is where you live?" You nodded. She continued to look around. "Is your dad like rich or something. This is a nice house." 

"He owns a big hero gadgets company." Jiro looked at you, asking for an explanation. "He basically takes gadgets from I-island and helps the inventors/scientists sell them to heroes. I thought you already knew this." 

Jiro hummed and shrugged her shoulders. You shrugged as well and told her, "I was gonna go relax in the hot tub. You wanna come?" as you start to walk towards your bedroom to change. 

"You have a hot tub?" She exclaimed more than asked. 

You nodded and motioned for her to follow you. She complied. As you were reaching the hallway to all the bedrooms, your stepmom walked out of her room. "Oh hi Y/N. Who is this?" She asked, curious of the friend behind you. 

"This is Jiro, Jiro this is my stepmom S/M. S/M, Jiro." (Can't you tell how creative I am) You explained motioning between the two. 

"It's very nice to meet you Jiro." S/M smiled at your friend, then walked towards the living room. 

Jiro smiled at her, then whispered to you asked, "How did your dad pull her?" 

You turned to her with the same confused expression as Jiro. "That's what I've been wondering. She's so nice and innocent. He's like-...the opposite." 

"Opposites attract I guess." 

The two of you continued on your short journey to your bedroom, then you began to look for a bathing suit for Jiro. "One piece or 2?" You ask as you begin digging through all of your swimsuits. 

"Preferably 1. Please." You nodded and start on your search. You already knew which one you wanted, so it was easy to find. Then you were on the task of looking for one for Jiro. 

Once you found one that would fit her, you handed it to her and allowed her to get changed in your room, while you changed in the bathroom. 
Once you were both changed, you headed to the back door. To the left of the door was a large patio area. It was supposed to be for seating or dining, but your dad decided to put in a hot tub instead.  

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