:/ #35

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Authors note: I just wanted to say thank you for 3K reads. I'm so glad you guys like my story. :)

Running into your sister's apartment, you slam the door hard and run to your room. Bakugou decided to stay outside the building. He thought it would be safer for everyone if they let you go pack your things alone. But that didn't stop your dad from running after you and trying to talk to you. 

"Y/N, please, talk to me," Your dad yells from the hallway as he opens the door to your sister's apartment. You ignore him. In your room, you grab one of your bags from when you first moved into the apartment that you kept in your closet and started throwing all of your clothes in the bag. "Can you stop, and just talk to me?" He asks standing in your doorway. You continue to ignore him and pack your clothes. He walks over to you. "What did you want me to do-?" He asks grabbing your arm to turn you, but you whip your arm out of his grasp and cut him off. 

"I WANT YOU TO ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT ME FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE!" You yell with tears in your eyes, startling him. You stare at him for a few seconds, tears threatening to fall, then sigh and go back to packing. 

He sighs. "I did this because I care about you. She's right, I am a horrible father to you. I blamed you for her leaving, and that isn't fair. You deserve better," He says while looking at the ground in shame. Be sighs before speaking again. "I know she left, but she cares about your well-being. And wants you to be happy," 

"Heh, You actually believe that?" You laugh. You finished putting all your clothes in the bag and stop beside your dresser. "I may hate her guts for putting me through all of this horrible shit," You wipe a tear with the back of your hand. You turn to look at him. "But you signing me away, hurts just as much as her leaving," 

He stared at you in shock. It feels like his whole world was collapsing in front of him. Everything he has ever put you through, now coming back to kick his ass, he can't do it. He wants to go back and erase everything he's ever done. 

Like a switch, his whole mindset on you and your mother switched. That it wasn't your fault she left, it was his. He was doing the exact same thing to you that she did. He is just as bad, if not, worse. 

With tears rolling down your face, you walk over to your desk and continue to pack your things. You put your switch in your bag, then grab a box from under your bed with some toys (If you know what I mean) in it and put that in the bag, along with your chargers and other cords you need. You grab your school bag and hero costume, then walk out of the door. Your dad still standing there in shock. 

Plugging your headphones in, you play If Today was Your Last Day by Nickleback (Don't lie, he makes good music) and walk out of the building where your mother's car was. Bakugou was leaning on the wall beside the doors of the building with his arms crossed, giving your mother a death glare. When he hears the doors open and sees you walking out, he pushes off the wall and walks over to you. 
"You ok?" He asks, taking the bag with all your clothes off your back and throwing it on his back instead. 

"I'm fine," You say, almost emotionlessly. 

"You can still run to my house you know," He reminds you as you reach your mother's car. 

"Well, if I allow her. In my house, we are a family, so we do spend a lot of time-" Your mother starts but you cut her off. 

"Yea no. Imma do whatever the fuck I want, and your not gonna have a problem with that," You say as Bakugou carefully throws your bag in the trunk of the car. 

"I seriously hope this attitude is not coming with you, and you're leaving here," Your mother says passive-aggressively. 

"Well your hopes and dreams are gonna be crushed," You snap. Bakugou slams the trunk shut as you say crushed, making your mother jump a little bit. Not only from the slam but because Bakugou was giving her a death glare, which was freaking her out. 

"R-right," She gulped nervously, "Let's go," 

You roll your eyes and walk up to Bakugou hugging him loosely resting your head on his chest (Cause we short). He hugs you back resting his chin on your head, still glaring at your mother. 

"Just keep the door unlocked tonight," you whisper into his chest, tightening your hug. 

"Always is," He says then kisses the top of your head. 

You hear a door open and see your dad walking out of the apartment building. You sigh, before letting Bakugou go and opening the door to the car, and hoping in. 

Your mother looks in the car then at Bakugou and says, "Thank you Bakugou-" only to get cut off by the spiky-haired blond himself. 

"Oh fuck off," He says followed by a 'tch' and walks across the street to his house. 

Your mother sighs before opening her door and sitting in the driver's seat. You are in the back behind her, so you don't have to look at her while she's driving. 
She turns in her seat to looks at you. "We have a gaming room," She says, but you look out the window at your building. "Your dad said you like video games," 

"Did he also tell you that I don't like you?" You say rudely not taking your eyes off your building. Your mother sighs before turning back around, starting the car, and driving to her house. The whole drive there, you were looking out the window with your headphones in. Listening to a mix of Nickleback, country Talor Swift songs, and some Three Days Grace, with some Avril Lavigne. (Those are the types of songs you like, don't lie country Talor is better than the new Talor. Or at least older Talor is better than new Talor) 

After about a 30 minute drive of silence, and your music, you finally arrived at a fairly standard-looking house. It was very similar, yet very different to all the other houses around. It was a 2 story building, with off-white paint on the outside. And there was a small garden bed in front of the porch. There were 5 people standing on the porch. You recognized your little brother B/N, then there was your mother's husband or your new stepdad. And of course, there were her 3 other kids. 2 little boys no older than 8, and a little girl about 4 or 5. They were still all dressed up from the courthouse. 

Your mother parks the car in the driveway and you open your door, grab your school bag and hero costume that you had set on the seat next to you, and step out. 

Immediately, the little girl comes running at you and hugs your legs. "EEKK," She shrieks. "I HAVE A NEW SISTER!" 
"Anka, give her some space, please," Your mother's husband says laughing a little bit. 

You look down at the child clinging to your leg in shock, 'Why the fuck is there a child on me?' You think in disgust and horror. 

"Sorry about her," Your mother apologizes as she grabs your bag from the trunk. "I'm the only other girl in the house, and she just loves new people," You look at your mother, face filled with disgust, then back down at the girl. You sigh before prying the girl off you and snatching your bag from your mother. Your mother takes a breath and pulls the little girl away from you. "Well, uh, this is Anka, she's 4," she says motioning to the little girl that used to be clinging to you. "Then uh, over there is Haru. He is 8. And Kisho is 6." She points at the 2 boys standing with their dad and your brother. "Guys, this is Y/N, she is gonna be your new sister." 

Your purse your lips a little and bring your hand up in a greeting. The 2 little boys wave at you, the shorter boy, that she called Kisho, waved more excitedly and with a bigger smile. Probably because he was younger. 

Words: 1441

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed. Sorry I didn't post much the last 2 weeks. I was very unmotivated. Also sorry this chapter is kinda late in the day. Some things were going on this morning. So I didn't get a chance to. But then I got a mood octopus thing and got hit by a huge wave of motivation so I wrote this. Hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter. 

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