:/ #13

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It was Monday, and you and Bakugou were sitting at your desks talking when Mr. Aizawa comes through the door. Every immediately stops talking.

"Alright, everyone. Today we are going to go to training at training grounds off-campus. Go grab whatever you want to wear. Either your hero suits or your gym uniforms. Then go get on the bus." Mr. Aizawa explains then walks out of the classroom.

"Yes sir." We all said and did what we were told. We grab our hero costumes and got to the changing rooms. When we all got changed, we all made our way to the bus. I overheard a conversation between Midoriya and his soon-to-be girlfriend.

"Why are you wearing your gym uniform Deku-cun? What's wrong with your hero costume?" She asks.

"Oh, well it was kind of destroyed in the battle trials. And they haven't sent it back yet Uraraka-san." Midoriya replies with a smile. Bakugou notices you looking at them.

"Why are you staring at the nerd."

"First of all, jealous much." You chuckle.

"Tch." He replies and looks away.

"Second, you may not like him but you gotta admit. His smile could end all villain attacks." He looks annoyed at first, then sighs agreeing with you.

"Fair enough." You chuckle.

Everyone gets on the bus and you sit next to Bakugou. You grab your phone and plug your headphones in. You put one in your ear, but before you put the other one in your ear Bakugou puts his hand out. You roll your eyes and hand him the headphone, and he puts it in his ear. You start scrolling through your music and you pick one of Taylor Swift's country songs. He rolls his eyes.

"Why?" He asks.

"What, Country Taylor is good." You chuckle as he rolls his eyes again and looks out the window. You roll your eyes, leaning your head back. You close your eyes and listen to the music and the conversations that everyone else on the bus is having.

"Really?" Someone asks. "Seems like it'd be easier if I had something flashier."

"My naval laser has the perfect amount of flash and style." Someone said with a french accent. Your eyes shoot open.

'Someone speaks french here?' You think.

"Yea but it's way lame if it gives you a stomach ache sweetie," Mina says putting her hand on his shoulder, and the french guy looks at her embarrassed and ashamed.

"Well if there is anyone with pro hero quirks in our class, it's Bakugou and Todoroki." The redhead says. Everyone looks at Bakugou and the multi-coloured-haired boy.

'Guess the bi-coloured hair boy is Todoroki. So that's Mina and Todoroki. And I guess Iida too. That's all I know.' You think.

"Yea well Bakugou seems very angry, so he'll never be that popular." A green-haired girl says.

"Pfff-" you try your best to hold in a laugh however, Bakugou gets very angry.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?! I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!" He shouts leaning on a bar in front of your seat.

"See." She says pointing at him.

"You know, we basically just met you," The other blonde on the bus says. You don't know what it is but his voice sounds familiar. "But it's pretty telling that we already know that your personality is flaming crap mixed with garbage."

You completely lose it and start dying of laughter. "Flaming trash... HAHAHAHHA... Mixed with garbage..." You say between laughs.

"OH SHUT UP DUMBASS!" Bakugou shouts at you, but you don't listen to him. You continue to laugh at him.

"Hey guys, we're here." Mr. Aizawa says standing up near the front of the bus.

You calm down and wipe some of your tears away. You see Midoriya out of the corner of your eye and see the fear and confusion on his face. When the bus comes to a full stop, everyone gets out and you walk over to him.

"Feels weird right. Kacchan's the one getting teased." You ask him. He jumps a little then calms down.

"O-oh. Y/N-san. W-well, yea. Usually, Kacchan is bullying me, but now he's the one getting bullied. It is kind of weird if you think about it. It's like he got what was coming, but I don't think that is very nice. I mean, sure he's kind of a jerk, but he can be super nice. He just doesn't know-how. It's kind of strange..." He mumbled on.

"D...dek...Deku." You try getting him to stop talking but he doesn't hear you over him mumbling. "Deku!" You start getting annoyed. So You shout, "DEKU!" He immediately stops talking.

"Oh sorry." You roll your eyes.

"Anyways..." You look at him like you know a secret. He looks nervous. "Who's the brown-haired girl?" You say pointing at the girl he talks to a lot.

"Oh. That's Uraraka." He says with a smile. You wiggle your eyebrows.

"Do you like her?" You ask and his face instantly turns bright pink.

"W-WHAT?!" He jumps back a little. "No no no no no, I don't. I mean, yea she's a good friend, and I like hanging out with her. And I mean, she is kind of cute, I guess. Not that I like her or anything. I mean if people ask me if I like her, then I would have to say yes, but as a friend. Not that I wouldn't date her. I mean..." he continues to ramble on and you get bored.
"Alright, you have your crisis. I don't want to have to help with that." You say rolling your eyes and walking back to Bakugou.

"You ditch me for the fucking nerd." He says crossing his arms.

"He like Uraraka." You say leaning towards him and pointing at her. Bakugou raises an eyebrow.

Before he could say anything else Mr. Aizawa started talking.

"When we get in there, I want you all to listen, and be good." He gives us all a miny death glare and we all gulp and nod our heads slowly. He sighs and walks through the door. You look at the building. It was HUGE. It was mostly made of glass and was a dome shape. When you walk in you see five large, different sections. One had mountains, one had crumbling buildings, one was a lake with a boat, two were in their own domes.

"Everyone I would like you to meet 13. She will be the teacher that will show you around, and take you through each disaster zone." As soon as he said that, rocks fell on the mountains, water started flowing, in the water area, and the sound of things falling came from the building. The USJ had become alive with destruction.

"Alright, guys. So these are just some mock rescues. As you can see we have five main disaster zones. There is-." All of a sudden she was cut off when we saw some black smoke appear in the middle of the USJ. Everyone looks down at the smoke. Mr. Aizawa stands there confused but getting his scarf ready to fight. You look at the smoke and see a hand coming out of the smoke. Then the face attached to the hand appears in the smoke. 

Words: 1200

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I was feeling a little sick this morning, but I drank some water and I'm feeling much better now. But because of covid, my parents didn't want me to go to school. What I'm saying is I was writing this instead of doing school work. It was the last day of school too anyways, but I will do it later. (I say that, but will never do my school work). Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next video. 

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