:/ #34

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Author's note: Hey guys. Sorry for not posting a lot last week. I was very unmotivated. Thank you for your understanding. Also thank you for 2.7K reads. I'm glad you guys enjoy this story. Please enjoy this chapter. This chapter is a lot longer than the other ones. Your welcome. 

Step. Step. Step. 

Walking back and forth in the courthouse. Your mom really didn't give you enough time to think. She called you 2 days ago. She must really think she is getting custody. And if you are being completely honest with yourself, she just might. If your dad doesn't hurry up. The trial starts in 5 minutes, and he's still not here. 

Your mom was here. The first one. She brought everyone. She brought your little brother, 2 boys and a little girl. They couldn't be over 10 or 11. She also brought her new husband. They were all dressed in business attire. Even the little girl. She couldn't be older than 3 or 4, and she looked nicer than you. 

You, however, were dressed in very casual clothes. You had your nicest shirt, under your jean jacket, and a pair of black leggings. For the main reason that you really didn't want to be here. And you already know how this is going to play out. She's gonna say that your dad is not fit to be a parent because of his mental abuse, then he's gonna deny it, and you're gonna deny it and say that you want to live with your dad. Simple. But you need your dad for this plan to work. 

'Where the hell is he?' You wonder bitting the tip of your thumbnail, worry plastered all over your face. 

"Y/N relax, he's gonna show up," Bakugou said in an annoyed, yet also calming voice. 

You take a breath and sit on the bench next to him. "He's never been this late to anything. He is usually so early," Bakugou wraps one arm around your shoulders and you rest your head on his. 

"You remember when he came early to our grade school graduation?" MIdoriya said with a slight chuckle. Since your dad knew Bakugou and Midoriya, he also knew their parents. So he invited both their families to come to the trial. Midoriya was sitting across from you and Bakugou, with a nervous smile on his face. Both Bakugou's parents and Midoriya's mom were talking about something off to the side. 

"Way too early. The school wasn't even open yet," you chuckle back at Midoriya. 

"What do you think we're missing at school," Midoriya asks, trying to take your mind off your dad. 

"Probably dunce face doing something stupid, as usual," Bakugou suggests with the slightest smile ever. He has to maintain the 'Fuck you all' persona he is keeping. 

You chuckle. 

You walk into class with Bakugou and Midoriya behind you, you walk up to Mr. Aizawa's desk. 

"Mr. Aizawa," You say catching the sleepy man's attention. 

"What is it problem children," He says tiredly, almost rolling his eyes, 

"We want to ask for the work we are doing tomorrow because we won't be here." You explain.

"Yea sure. Why won't you be here?" He says looking through some papers.

"I have a family thing and they're coming,"

He replies with a hum while still looking through his papers. He eventually pulls out 3 small stacks of papers. "Here. Good luck at your family thing Y/N," He says handing each of you the papers. 

Please Stop *Y/N × Bakugou (Fem Y/N)*Where stories live. Discover now