:/ #28

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The roaring of the cheering crowd fills your ears as you stand at the end of the arena. You attempt to tune them out and focus on your opponent that stood on the other end of the arena. She had green veins for hair and seemed like an angel. It was so annoying. She dealt with that Pikachu very easily. She seemed powerful but it doesn't take much to beat Pikachu so that wasn't saying much. 

"ARE YOU READY?!" Present Mic's voice boomed on the PA system. That caused the whole stadium to go completely crazy as if someone just scored the winning basket in a basketball game. 

"Ready?" Midnight exclaimed raising her whip in the air. "GO!" She yells as she brings her whip down like how you would start a street race. As the whip reached the lowest point, the buzzer went off signalling that the fight had started. 

Immediately the vine-haired girl sent vines towards me at full speed. You quickly grabbed your angle and turn it into a sword. You cut the vines before they could grab you or do anything to you. Staying on defence, as she backed you into a trap. You can feel the vines behind you and you could hear the sound of crashing and breaking dirt under you as if something was coming towards you underground. And you were right. Her vines came up under you forming a ball around you holding you in the air. You were not about to lose to some vines. You could hear loud muffled yelling and cheering. People were probably thinking that you weren't able to move. Boy were they poorly mistaken. 

Using your sword, you cut the bottom vines. When there is a hole big enough for you to fit through, you change your sword into a bow by spinning it in your hand. Then you jump down. As if in slow motion, you quickly pull back the string causing an arrow to appear in the bow. You aim slightly and let go before landing on the ground. Before she was able to react, the arrow made contact with her chest causing her to collapse on the ground. 

The crowd was louder than ever before. Apparently, they liked when you show off how good your aim is. 

All of her vines collapsed on the ground just like she did. You walk over to the girl and pull the arrow out, spinning it between your fingers as it disappears. Midnight walks over to the girl as you walk up to the line waiting to hear what Midnight declares. 

She leaned down to the unconscious girl, shaking her a little bit. When she wouldn't wake up she sighed and stood up. Flicking her whip in your direction, she exclaims with a wide smile "Y/N moves on to the third round." The crowd goes crazy.

Once you hear her say that, you smirk and continue to walk out of the arena. You walk towards the stair and see Bakugou walking down the stairs towards the waiting rooms. 

"Hey," You say walking up to him. 

"Oh, hey. Good job making it to the next round dumbass," He says turning to you and leaning on the railing of the stairs. You walk close to him wrapping your arms around his neck. 

"Why thank you," You bit your lip slightly. "You wanna go down to the waiting room and do some not safe for work things?" 

"I do, but I wanna watch this fight." He says taking your hands and taking them off his neck. 

You bite your cheek and sigh. "Fine. More fun when we get home," You say as you take a step up the stairs. He lets out a soft chuckle. 

"Your gonna regret saying that," He says as he walks away. You freeze as blush dusts your face. You turn around and watch him walk away, not even looking at you. When he reaches a point where you can't see him anymore, you roll your eyes and continue up the stairs to where your class is seated and sit down with them. 

"Hey great fight Y/N," Kirishima said to you with a toothy smile. You roll your eyes and go to sit in your seat when your phone starts ringing. Confused, you take your phone out of your pocket and look to see who was calling. Shock and fear take over you causing you to almost drop your phone. The name of the contact reads 'S/N/BF'. 

'WHAT THE HELL?!' You think fearing what he wants from you. You walk back out of the stands and lean against a wall. You take a shakey deep breath, then reluctantly answered the phone. 

Bringing the phone up to your ear, you ask nervously "H-Hello?"  

"Hey Y/N. It's S/N/BF." His voice rang in the phone like a fire bell warning you to run. "I'm watching the Sports festival at work and I just wanna say, that was an awesome win." 

You gulp. "T-Thanks," You say shyly wishing for nothing more than this phone call to end.  

"Well, that's all I wanted to say. Fingers crossed you win," He says before hanging up the phone. 

You bring the phone down and lean your head back against the wall, closing your eyes as you fight back tears. You hug yourself in an attempt to cover yourself with your arms. You stand there for a few seconds, before collecting yourself and going back to your class. You sit down in your seat and notice that Todoroki was looking at you. The glare you gave him told him to fuck off. He nodded slightly and looked back at the match. You sigh and lean back in your seat. On the outside, you were sitting there watching the fight. But on the inside, you were thinking about that night. 

Him pinning you against your door. His hands trapping you in place like an animal. His lips going down your neck and on your chest, wanting to devour you. You were also wondering, what would have happened if S/N didn't show up? What would have happened if she stayed any longer? How far would he have gone? 

Words: 1031

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for not posing this weekend. I was focusing on planing future chapters and just getting my writing/planning process organized. I also want to thank you guys for 1K reads. I am so grateful. You are awesome. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter. 

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