:/ #79

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An: So I'm going to try something new when someone is thinking. I might keep it, I might not. Anytime something is italicized then they are thinking. Just bear with me, as I am still trying to find a format I like. 

It had been about a week since Mr. Aizawa had introduced us to the hero licence exam. And now it was here. You had all gotten on the bus and were on your way there. 
And of course, the bus was alive with students chatting away. Everyone shared their excitement and thought about what tests you all would have to do. 

You had decided to sit on the bus quietly and listen to your music. Recently, you had been listening to a lot of Chase Atlantic. At the moment, you were listening to Slow Down but them. (Is that better -_-) 

You were sitting in your seat, looking out the window, with a fidget spinner spinning in your hand. Apparently, that was annoying your explosive boyfriend next to you, which was made apparent when he grunted. 

"What?" You asked, taking out one of your earbuds. 

"That thing is so annoying." He gestured to the fidget toy in your hand that made a noise while it spun. "Why do you even have it?" 

"I found it in my bag this morning, and now I've fixated on it. It'll only last a day or two before I lose it." You explained, still spinning it in your hand. 

"Ok, well can you stop spinning it?" He asked with a passive-aggressive smile. 
You returned the smile, brought the spinner up near his ear and spun it as fast as it could go. He growled and grabbed the spinner. 
"Stop." His voice was firm. 

You pulled the spinner away from him and brought it down into your lap, spinning it slowly. 
"Listen to music. Then you won't hear it." You suggested as you put your headphone back into your ear, and went back to looking out the window. 


Once the bus had arrived at the hero licence test, everyone grabbed their cases with their hero costumes and exited the busses. 

(Random question. Does anyone know how Bakugou's gauntlets fit in that tiny case? It's been bothering me for a while.) 

You were standing behind some students with Jiro. You didn't know what it was, but a wave of tiredness washed over you, causing you to hit your head on Jiro's shoulder. She would pat your head asking why you're tired. 

"Because the world doesn't like to run on my sleep schedule." You whined, hitting her shoulder with your head again. 

"Or if you just went to bed at a reasonable time, you wouldn't be tired." 

You looked up at Jiro annoyed. 
"It's not my fault that Banana Fish is binge-worthy. By the way, don't watch it. You will cry." 

"Who's crying?" Kirishima asked as some of the students decided to join your conversation. 

"You wanna hear something? This girl sent me a picture of her crying last night around midnight, right?" Jiro began explaining, pointing at you with her thumb. "So I ask her what's wrong. She said that she was watching a show, and a character died." 

"I did say, the first time I saw the child, if he died I would cry." You tried to defend. "So I am good to my word." 

Before anyone else was able to say anything, a student from another class walked over to your group. He had messy black hair, with black eyes. He had a grey shirt and black backpack. 

"Oh my goodness I think it is." The boy started, catching everyone's attention. "You're Katsuki Bakugou, right? I saw you on the news. I'm sorry about what happened. But you managed to hold off all those villains by yourself. It was really inspirational." The boy outreached his hand for Bakugou to shake. "Today I'm gonna do my best to learn from you. I really hope you don't mind." 

His voice sounds so familiar. You thought to yourself. Trying to put your finger on who this boy sounded like. 

Bakugou hit the boy's hand away and scoffed. "Stop pretending. What you're saying doesn't match the look in your eyes." The boys looked down slightly, darkening the gaze in his eyes. 

"Hey, man don't be so rude," Kirishima demanded stepping forward a little bit. "Sorry. He's just like that." Kirishima placed a hand on the back of his head, and nodded slightly, apologizing to the boy. 

"It's fine. It proves how tough his heart is." Bakugou scoffed

"I pin a villain leader that is twice my size, and insult all for one to his face, and he's the one with a tough heart. I see how it is." You said to Jiro as she nodded her head agreeing. 

The boy seemed to have heard you and tilted his head to look around Bakugou. His eyes widened when they landed on you. He took a second to compose himself before apologizing. "Apologizes. I didn't see you there." 

"He just called me short." You complained to Jiro. 

"I mean, you are." 

"Well-" you struggled to find something to say back. "Good things come in small packages." You crossed your arms with a proud smile on your face, with a nod. 

"Since when were you good?" Jiro's eyebrows knitted together. 

"Oh please," The boy chimed in again, throwing his hand in his pockets, keeping his gaze on the ground, "I don't think that's true." 

"Thank you." 

"I bet you're a very very good girl." His gaze moved to you as he said the last few words. 

You looked at him, eyebrows knitted together, and your lips parted ever so slightly. Disgust and confusion painted your face. 

You waited for a second to process what he said, before stepping to the side so you could see Mr. Aizawa. As you step, you could feel the anger radiating off Bakugou, as if he were a fire ready to jump out onto someone. 

"Mr. Aizawa?" You called out to him. He was talking to a female teacher with green hair and an orange bandana. You were confused by the girl. "Hm, I always thought you were gay for Present Mic." You mumbled to yourself with a shrug. 


"Nothing. Anyways. I have a question." You moved on from that thought. He doesn't need to hear that. 

"What is it?" His hands remained in his pockets, as he sighed, knowing this was going to be something either really stupid, or you were going to do something really stupid. 

"If I were to beat the shit out of someone, right now, would I get in trouble?" You asked, with a partly serious expression. 

Of course, she'd ask something like that. He groaned rolling his eyes. 
"Yes, Y/N. You would get in trouble." 

"What if I punch him in the face?" 

"Wait until the test starts. Then you can do whatever you want." He paused for a second, then clarified, "Except murder." 

"Aww," Jiro whined, jokingly. 

"Go inside. All of you." 

Words: 1176
Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry, it is very late. I was sick last week and, when I'm sick I have no motivation to do anything. So I apologize for that. But I am feeling a lot better, which is good. 
That is all the news I've got so I hope you've enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter. 

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