:/ #31

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The soft smell of caramel woke you up. You could feel a heart beating and the breaths under you, that are lifting you slightly then bringing you back down, are warm along with the body that was breathing them. As you slowly open your eyes and see that you are laying on your best friend's chest on your living room couch. 

"Mmm," You hum softly as you lift your head slightly. 

"Finally, your awake," The deep tired voice from under you says softly. 

You look up and your e/c eyes are met by a pair of sleepy crimson red eyes. You groan and bring your face back to his chest. "No I'm not," Bakugou chuckles slightly causing you to lift up a little as you were still on his chest. You only just now realized that Bakugou was not wearing a shirt. You roll your eyes and turn your head. "More sleep," You say softly. 

"Well can you get off me so I can get up?" Bakugou asks annoyed, still tired. 

You roll your eyes again and sit up as the blanket on you falls down. He sits up with you. You look around and you are sitting on the couch in the living room. 'We must have fallen asleep on the couch last night.' You think getting off Bakugou's legs as he can swing his legs off the couch, and stand up. He walked to the kitchen where S/N was and they began talking. They were talking too quiet for you to hear. All you knew was that Bakugou took over cooking breakfast as S/N leans on the island in the kitchen with her arms crossed. 

You lay back down on the pillow Bakugou was laying on and pull the blanket over you. You lay there for a few minutes in almost silence, with the sound of bacon sizzling, and scrambled eggs cooking. And the soft voices of S/N and Bakugou talking, but inaudible for you to understand. After a few minutes of realizing you are not going back to sleep, you sit up with a yawn and stretch. Then, after getting off the couch, you walk into the kitchen. Both S/N and Bakugou stop talking when they see you. You walk over to Bakugou and hug him from behind and hide your face in his back. 

"You finally wake up?" S/N laughs. 

"Mmm," You hum tiredly. 

Bakugou and S/N both chuckle. Then they go silent. You roll your eyes. "If you were talking about 'him', I don't care. Talk about whatever you want," You say letting Bakugou go and walking back into the living room when your phone starts ringing. You grab your phone from the coffee table in the living room and look at who is calling you. "Unknown number?" You think out loud. S/N walks over to you confused. 

"Who is it?" She asks. 

"I don't know?" You say shrugging your shoulders. You hit talk and bring the phone up to your ear. "Hello?" You say into the phone. 

"Y/N?" The voice on the other line says, leaving you in shock. You recognized the voice. It was a voice you never wanted to hear ever again. 

"Mom?!" You ask surprised. Bakugou heard you and turned off the stove and walk into the living room. 

"Hi sweetheart," Your face goes from shocked to angry and annoyed. 

"What do you want? How did you get my number?" You bark. 

"I called your dad a few months ago and asked for it. I was just really nervous, and didn't know if you would want to talk to me," She explains. 

"Really? So if I call my dad, he will say you called him a few months ago." The other line was silent. "Or, did you call him yesterday when you saw me on TV at the sports festival?" You hear her sigh. "I knew it. What do you want?" 
"Is it so wrong for a mother to get to know her daughter?" She asks. You can hear her trying to hold back tears. 

"Yes, because I don't fucking like you," You snap. Bakugou let out a breathy chuckle. 

"I know I hurt you, but I do want to talk to you. Please," You stay silent. "I'll tell you what. I will be at the *Insert random cafe name, I'm lazy* at noon. Come if you want, ok?" 

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