:/ #61

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A/N: Real quick before this chapter starts. An update on my laptop situation. A charger should be coming today. The last few I've gotten didn't fit, so I'm hoping they will. Although knowing my luck it probably won't. But when I do get a charger, I will be posting more of my other stories, because I haven't posted them in a long time. So the next chapter might take a while. Idk yet but that is my plan. Fingers crossed that it fits and I can finally have my laptop back. If you don't know, I have been using my mom's laptop, and I can only use that on the weeks I'm at my mom's. So every other week I can't write
So that is my life, how have you guys been. Sorry, it took a while to get this chapter out. I was planning chapters for my Sero x Oc story. 
Anyways, enjoy. 

You rested your head on Bakugou's back. He was too tall for you to reach his shoulder, so you had to rest on his back. You were super close to falling asleep. Your eyelids practically touching, as you began dozing off.

Then suddenly, BANG! 

You jolt up, surprised by the sound, slightly more awake. However, after the original shock washes away from you, you groan and rub your ears slightly. Looking at the spiky-haired blond in front of you, his hand is smoking a little, as if he just set off an explosion. 

"Kacchan. What the fuck?" You whine more than ask. 

He chuckles softly, trying to make sure no one else hears. "Mr. Aizawa doesn't want you to sleep at all until we all go to bed." 

Then a more feminine voice from behind you spoke up, practically yelling in your ear, "So wakey-wakey." 

"JESUS!" You yelled, surprised by the loud yelling that came from your other purple-haired friend, who now moved to stand in front of you, beside Bakugou. "You guys are actually fucking assholes. You know that?" 

"Yea but you don't have any other friend." Jiro pointed out, while fist-bumping Bakugou. 
You squinted your eyes at the 2 in front of you, and raise your middle finger at them. However, that only made them laugh. 

It is true that you did look a little bit scarier than normal when you are tired. It's probably the look of pure death in your eyes. However, the fact that you were too tired to do much of anything, Bakugou and Jiro knew you were harmless. 

The training was done for the day, however, the day was not up yet. Even though it was 9:00 at night. 
Mr. Aizawa and Vlad King, (Class 1B's homeroom teacher) wanted the classes to do a joint test of courage. At the moment, class 1B was in the forest, coming up with different ways to scare your class. Then your class was going to partner up and go into the forest. 

Deciding to throw you a bone, Mr. Aizawa said that you and Bakugou could be partners. Although he probably only allowed it because it is very easy for Bakugou to wake you up. And if anyone else tried, they would need an ambulance. 

"OKIE DOKIE! That should be enough time for them." The blue pussycat stated as she held some small sticks in her large gloved hand. "So you all may come up and pick your partners." 

Everyone in the class, except for you and Bakugou, walked over to the pussycat and grabbed a stick. Then they started looking for their partners. Once she figured out who her partner was, Jiro walked back over to you. 

"Who'd you end up with?" You asked her. 

"Todoroki." She replied, joining you on the ground. 
While everyone was getting their partners, your legs hurt so much from all the walking and standing today, that you just had to sit down. Plus you were tired. 

"Well, at least you get the "hottest" guy in class" You chuckled a little. 

"Meh. He's not really my type." Jiro leaned back resting her weight on her arms while looking up at the sky. 

"Oh right," you replied, laying on your back with your arms under your head, "you like electric, Pichaku blond boys."  You smirk. 
Her face lit up bright red as she smacked your stomach in embarrassment. You laugh. 

"Y/N." Your laughter was broken when you heard your teacher call your name. 
You sit up with a hum. "Stand up. You'll fall asleep if you lay down. You know the agreement." 

'I knew that would come to bite me in the ass.' You thought, annoyed, as you stood back up, groaning. You dusted yourself off, as Jiro joined you in standing. 

"Well, I'm gonna pass out anyways." You whined, yawning. Then an idea hit you. "Can I go grab my phone and headphones and listen to music? That usually keeps me awake." 

Mr. Aizawa thought for a moment, then agreed. "Jiro go with her. Make sure she doesn't go to sleep." 

Jiro nodded, then asked, "What about our partners? I mean, if we are starting this now, they will probably go before we get back." 

The tired teacher asked Jiro who her partner was, and she told him. Then he called over Todoroki and Bakugou. "You two are going to be partners if they are not back in time." 

"WHAT?!" Bakugou yelled. "WHY?!" 

Mr. Aizawa rolled his eyes. "Because I said so. So shut up and deal with it. I'm too tired to deal with you right now." 

Bakugou growled at Todoroki, who seemed unfazed by the partner switch. 

You and Jiro made your way to the sleeping area. While walking, you yawned about 8 times and walked very slowly. So slow that Jiro had to stop about 7 times just so you could catch up with her. Every time she stopped, she rolled her eyes and tapped her foot. The more she had to stop, the more aggressively she tapped her foot. 
However, you eventually made it to the girls sleeping dorm. You walked towards your sleeping pad and started looking through your bag. You smiled when you finally found your phone and headphones. 

However. You were still very tired and your pad was just too comfortable to leave. You laid down and rested your head on the pillow, just to rest your eyes a little. Your eye closed slowly, as you quickly drifted off and-


"OW!" You yelled as you rubbed your head after it was hit by a pillow. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" 

"Get, your lazy ass up." Jiro demand, holding said pillow in her hand. 

You groan and sit up. "Why?" You whine. 

"Do you want to do the test of courage with Bakugou or not?" 

You thought for a minute, then sighed while standing up. You plugged in your headphones and started playing International Love by Pitbull and Chris Brown. 

(Fun fact the grade 9's in my school set up a Pitbull shrine in my drama class. And people continue to add to it. Idk why but welcome to an art's school where the grade 9's haven't grown out of their grade 8 mindset)

You two started to slowly make your way back to the small opening in the forest, where the test of courage was taking place. As you were walking, you passed Mr. Aizawa and the 5 students that didn't pass the final exams. 

Once you made it to the small clearing, you noticed that most of the students were already in the forest, including Bakugou and Todoroki. You shrugged, knowing that now you got to go in with Jiro. 

You stood there for a little while, listening to your music while trying to keep yourself awake. Then suddenly, you noticed smoke in the forest. 'Does someone in the other class have a smoke or fire quirk?' You wondered to yourself while pinching your eyebrows together in confusion.
You shrugged, thinking that was what was going on. 

You continued to ignore everyone, when you felt a presence behind you. One of the pussycats yelled to you to look out, however, you were not able to hear her finish, since everything went black. 

Words: 1358
Sorry it's kinda short. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter. 

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